Our main worship service each week starts at 10:30 on Sunday morning. Everyone is welcome to join us, with no need to book or to contact us in advance. Whether you have been attending church for years or this is your first time in a service, you are assured of a friendly welcome and we aim to help you feel at home and able to experience the presence of God among us.

Virtual Services

Our worship services are currently also streamed or recorded and can be found here, or on our YouTube channel.

Sunday Calendar

Our calendar can be found here.

What to Expect!

  • Casual atmosphere
  • Sunday morning services that last around 75 minutes
  • Thought-provoking messages based on the Bible
  • Live worship music
  • Activities for your children and young people

For your family

We love having children among us as we worship God together, and aim to include them in all that we do. For part of the service each Sunday we provide activities for your children so they can enjoy learning more about Jesus with their peers. We provide age-appropriate, culturally relevant teaching, alongside games and fun activities. Currently we have two groups for the children: one for those aged up to 8 years old which includes creche provision for the youngest children; and another group for those aged 9-14ish. All adults who work with children are DBS checked.

‘Discussion’ Services

Prior to Covid lockdowns, one service a month included a more interactive teaching session as an alternative.  The service followed our usual pattern, and there was a traditional sermon as usual, but during that time there was also an option in another room to explore the same passage or theme through a combination of short talks, Q&A, discussion, and multimedia.  We hope this interactive teaching option can return in some form in due course.

Explore Together Services

These are all-age service, with the hall arranged ‘café-style’, with tables and chairs.  Drinks and cake are available during the service, and all-ages worship together in a variety of creative and interactive ways.  At the centre of the service we split into groups to consider our Bible passage in six zones, based round the six learning styles.  The zones are: busy, colour, word, quiet, listening, and discussion.  We then come back together to share what we have learned in the zones.  Explore Together services are not currently happening, but once we are established in our new building we will look at what we may offer in this format.