Responsibilities of the Leadership Team

The responsibility of the Leadership Team is to give spiritual oversight and direction to the church community and all its activities. This is achieved through prayer, discussion, discernement and careful guidance of communmity members, by directing teaching programs, worship, evangelism, and ensuring the provision of pastoral care.

The Leadership Team are the charity trustees and they have the responsibility for overseeing our financial and legal responsibilities (including employment administration) in addition to understanding and complying with the requirements of the Charity Commission of England and Wales.

Leaders must accept, believe and endorse the church’s Statement of Faith, Aims and Constitution.


Tracy - Leadership Team


Community Chaplain

& Church Leader

Tracy is mum of two who joined the leadership team in 2021. She is a Nurse who is bi-vocational (has two callings). Having recently completed an academic diploma in Theology, Ministry and Mission she is now an ordained Baptist Minister and serves part time as Community Chaplain through Beverley Baptist Church and The Armstrong Centre. This role is currently generously funded by a grant from the Baptist Insurance Company.

She particularly enjoys table fellowship and takes time to celebrate God in creation. Her favourite song is Oceans (Where Feet may fail) which reflects her current journey with God and her favourite passage is Psalm 126.

Her particular areas of interest surround wellbeing including carer and bereavement support, prayer, retreat and co-creating the Sabbath.

Steph - Leadership Team


Charity Chairperson

& Church Leader

Steph is a former HE college ESOL and Functional Skills and has a degree in theology and works voluntarily. She loves being outdoors, particularly in the garden; enjoys youth work and working alongside young people. Steph is married and has two adult daughters.

Currently, Steph is the acting Centre manager for the church building and all hirer liaisons are carried out by her.

Steph likes gardening and almost anything outdoors. Steph’s passion is also prayer.

Chris - Leadership Team


Charity Secretary

& Church Leader

Chris has been a Christian since 1992 and a member of Beverley Baptist Church since that date. He moved from the midlands to this community a little while before that to pursue his career as a Town Planner for the local authorities.

A keen runner, cyclist, the church’s resident roadie and our principal sound guy, Chris is married and has two daughters.

Stephen - Leadership Team & Treasurer


Charity Treasurer

& Church Leader

Stephen has been the Treasurer for nearly 20 years and on the leadership team for half that time, but for a few years off when his wife picked up the reins. His curent term started in 2021, he looks after the church finances and is a friend who will move heaven and earth to help out practically, whether that be in the church building or out on a roadtrip with a purpose.

Stephen is a process person, he loves a spreadsheet and a workflow, he’s computer savvy, seeks to find solutions to problems, suggest alternatives, think outside the box and prompts others to do the same.

He’s a husband, a father to two teenagers, has pet ducks, and he’s a businessman. Stephen enjoys some preaching and leading and has recently started running.



Retired Minister

& Church Leader

Tom was the first minister at Beverley Baptist Church back in the 90’s. Now, having travelled as far as Brazil and back via Watford, he has retired and returned to Beverley.

The newest member of the Leadership Team, Tom brings a great deal of experience in running a church, preaching, teaching and making Jesus known.



Office Manager

Karen’s role has changed since we have been in The Armstrong Centre. Once responsible for coordinating the ministries of the church community, her role is now wider than that and focusses on the administrative functions of running a church centre. We look to volunteers to pick up some of the church community admin, but Karen still oversees the upkeep of essential registers and databases. Karen’s flair for graphic design is regularly put to use.

Karen is the first port of call when contacting BBC. She will answer or direct any enquiry to its correct destination so as to ensure smooth running of the church.

Karen also plays a key role in coordinating our work with children and young people, including running our church holiday clubs.