Small groups meet during the week, at various times and in various locations, for Bible study, prayer and fellowship. All our groups enjoy the family aspect that these small communities develop, and we sometimes share a meal or social outing together as well as join with another group for fellowship.

Do speak to Karen in the Office or one of the Leadership team who will introduce you to the leader of the group you might like to try. You are more than welcome to try them all before settling in one that you like best or are indeed welcome to join more than one group if you so wish!!! We would love to see you enjoying, contributing and discovering your gifts and in doing so enrich our fellowship.

Men’s Group

Weekly Monday Evenings
(Bible Study, Discussion, Prayer, Banter, Biscuits!)

The Men’s group averages 6 men meeting on Monday evenings to have fellowship, study scripture and pray together.

We welcome any man wishing to explore, discuss and be supported through their daily walk as men whether they be husbands, fathers, neighbours, workers or those enjoying their retirement.

We usually have a theme to the our evenings – discussing a topic based on a book or a video. We pray for each other – thanking God for the good things in our lives and asking for God’s help with the difficult things.

Through study, discussion and prayer, we look to support and challenge one another to grow in our faith and knowledge of Jesus.

Over the last couple of years we have read, watched, discussed, debated and prayed for many things including how we get our children through church, our frontline ministries and, an immensely challenging and encouraging book by Peter Greig entitled Dirty Glory.

New members are always welcome.

Tuesday Housegroup

Weekly Tuesday evenings
(Bible Study, Coffee and Cakes,……)

Our group meets weekly on Tuesday evenings through term time to study the Bible and support each other through prayer. We usually use a study guide to help us in our Bible studies: recent series have included the book “Saints in Service”, looking at the lives of characters in the New Testament, and the 24/7 Prayer Course, which provided online videos about different aspects of prayer.

We are a group that loves meeting up for meals and fellowship.

Please do contact us if you would like to come along one evening and try out the group.

The Catch Up Group

Wednesday Evenings
(Bible study, Discussion, Food…)

We are 12 ladies of a certain age! We meet on Wednesday evenings in various homes. 

Instead of a study book, we decided to take turns leading these meetings and choosing our own subject, based on the Bible. We were a bit uncertain on how it would work, but we have been excited by each new topic. We are set a few questions beforehand and we eagerly do our homework. 

We were delighted to welcome a new member. We share prayer requests and have been blessed with great fellowship.

Power of the Praying Parent (PPP)

Alternate Thursday Evenings
(Womens Group – Friendship, Bible Study, Prayer, Occasional meals/Pudding parties,…)

We are a group of ladies that meet on alternate Thursday evenings for friendship, discussion, prayer and bible study.

We support and encouraged each other to focus on God and to pray as much we can about our children and wider family and friends.

We are a group that seeks to find ways to make our personal faith relevant to every aspect of lives – God promises us an abundant life that we can enjoy in all its fullness!

We were pleased to welcome new members to our group and always welcome anyone who would like a chat, friendship and prayer support through our journey in life.

Something to Think About

Once a month, on a Thursday

An informal hour or two for anyone who would appreciate some company and a chat; playing board games, doing a jigsaw, completing a puzzle or crossword, drinking tea or coffee and eating cake….. with time for ‘Something to Think About’ before we go.

All are welcome!