Bible in A Year 2023

During 2023, Beverley Baptist Church dug deeper into God’s Word by going on a journey through the Bible in a Year (BIAY). We were using the Tyndale Chronological Reading plan, which arranges the text of the Bible into date order, to give a better understanding of the story of God’s love and grace as it unfolds. There are lots of different ways that you can take part in our journey – you can choose those which will be most helpful for you. Please click on the questions below to find out more.

How can I connect with Bible in a year?


Throughout 2023 we will journey chronologically through the Bible in our Sunday morning services, starting with an all-age introductory service on 1st January 2023. Our services will take us from Genesis through to Revelation over the year, although we will take a break from the BIAY plan for important festivals like Easter and Christmas. As far as possible, the Sunday services will link in with the daily reading plan. As usual, we will be videoing our weekly services and they will be available to view on the website, so you can catch up if you miss a week.

Daily readings

If you want to join us in reading the whole Bible in a year, we will be sharing the full daily reading plan here on the website, and publishing each week’s readings in our email newsletter, “Buzz”. The daily readings are typically about 4 chapters long and will take you about 20 minutes to read. If you think that is going to be too much to manage, we will also be sharing a summary reading for each day. These will typically be about one chapter, or 5 minutes reading, and will take you through the main stories of the Bible text, in parallel with the main reading plan (you can mix and match!)

Tyndale offer the full New Living Translation reading plan, for free, via the Youversion Bible app too, or you can follow One Year Bible Online on Twitter or Facebook.


As well as the daily readings, we will share family-friendly, multimedia resources to explore throughout the year, so that families can journey through the Bible together. 

Children’s groups

We are creating a brand-new Sunday School programme for 2023 that will follow the same journey as the adults, in an age-appropriate way.

Discussion Group

For those who want to dig deeper, there will the opportunity to get together once a month to talk about a key theme from that month’s readings. It’s also a chance to share what we’ve learnt over previous weeks, and to talk about passages we have found more challenging. We’ll be meeting at The Armstrong Centre on Sunday afternoons, on the third Sunday of each month, beginning on Sunday 15th January at 4pm.


All the readings and additional resources will be available online here on the church website. If you are aware of any other useful resources as we go through the year, please share them with the church office ( and we can add them to the website. 

Moving From the Old to the New Testament

Why not take time to look back at the Old Testament, to refresh your memory, or to catch up bits you missed!

Our BBC services are available to view on the website and the following resources might be particularly useful:

The Bible Project has overview videos of each book of the Old Testament each generally just 7 or 8 minutes long.

There is also a 13 minute overview of the whole Old Testament.

If you want something shorter and child-friendly, the Bible Society have a journey through the Old Testament video in just 3 ½ minutes.

The Bible Society also have the Story of the Bible broken down into several short “acts”;
you can read the first five on Creation, The Fall, The Patriarchs, The Exile and The Prophets

General Resources

The following are general resources which may be helpful throughout the Year in order to help you in your reading and understanding of the Bible. They come from a range of theological traditions and perspectives; while we believe they will be useful we do not endorse every word, and we always remember that the only truly authoritative Word of God is the Bible applied to our hearts by the Holy Spirit. provides the Tyndale Chronological Reading plan for the YouVersion app which is available on Android, iphone/ipad, or Kindle Fire devices.

The Bible Project has many useful videos, including introductory overviews of every book of the Bible, and several key themes. Direct links to many of these will be featured at the appropriate place in the reading plan.

Enduring Word Commentary is often a helpful starting point if you are struggling to understand the meaning of a particular passage.

American Catholic priest Mike Schmitz produces a daily podcast of scripture readings and reflections covering the Bible in a Year. Please note that he uses a different reading plan to ours, but the search function on the site should help you find the episode for the appropriate passage.

Saddleback Kids, cover much of the Bible with their video stories. The channel can be a little tricky to navigate, but we will link to many of their videos in the daily resources.

The Bible Project: What is the Bible?
The Bible Project: The Story of the Bible

The Bible Course videos provide an overview of the Bible Story.

Genealogy of Abraham

World of the Patriarchs Map

Chart of the Kings of Israel and Judah

The Book, “Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes,” by E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O’Brien is a helpful introduction to how we can bring our own cultural assumptions to the Biblical text, and shows how a better understanding of the culture of the day can open up the Biblical text in new and unexpected ways.

Readings for the week 1st – 7th January

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: What is the Bible?
The Bible Project: The Story of the Bible
The Bible Project: Genesis 1-11
The Bible Project: Genesis 12-50
The Bible Project: Chronicles

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 1st January
Main Reading: Genesis 1:1 – 3:24
Shorter Reading: Genesis 1:1 – 2:3
Children: Creation: Genesis 1-2 video, Creation: Genesis 1-2 another video
Families question: Does it make a difference knowing that we exist because of God, not just random chance?
God saw that all he had made was good. What difference does this make to how we treat the world?

Date: Monday 2nd January
Main Reading: Genesis 4:1 – 5:32; 1 Chronicles 1:1-4; Genesis 6:1-22
Shorter Reading: Genesis 3:1-24
Children: Adam and Eve Sin
Families Question: Why does it matter if we don’t do what God tells us to do? How does it affect our relationship with him?

Date: Tuesday 3rd January
Main Reading: Genesis 7:1 – 10:5; 1 Chronicles 1:5-7; Genesis 10:6-20; 1 Chronicles 1:8-16; Genesis 10:21-30; 1 Chronicles 1:17-23; Genesis 10:31-32
Shorter Reading: Genesis 7:6-16; Genesis 8:13-22
Children: Noah’s Ark , Noah
Families Question: Do you think it was easy for Noah to build the ark? What might have made it hard?

Date: Wednesday 4th January
Main Reading: Genesis 11:1-26; 1 Chronicles 1:24-27; Genesis 11:27-14:24br>
Shorter Reading: Genesis 11:1-9
Children: Tower of Babel (Genesis 11),
God’s Story: Tower of Babel
Families question: Why did the people try to build a tower to heaven? How do we sometimes act the same way?

Date: Thursday 5th January
Main Reading: Genesis 15:1 – 17:27
Shorter Reading: Genesis 12:1-4; Genesis 15:1-6; Genesis 17:1-4
Children: Abraham and Lot (Genesis 12-13)
Families question: If someone asked you to follow them but didn’t say where you were going would you follow?Why was Abraham right to follow God?

Date: Friday 6th January
Main Reading: Genesis 18:1 – 21:7
Shorter Reading: Genesis 18:1-15; Genesis 21:1-7
Children: Abram to Abraham (Genesis 15-21), Sarah laughs
Families question:Are there things God has said (maybe in the Bible) that you find hard to believe? Can the story of Abraham help you?

Date: Saturday 7th January
Main Reading: Genesis 21:8 – 23:20; Genesis 11:32; Genesis 24:1-67
Shorter Reading: Genesis 22:1-18
Children: Sacrificing Isaac (Genesis 22), Abraham’s Big Test – The Bible App for Kids
Families question: This is a difficult story. What would Abraham have felt when God told him to sacrifice Isaac? The book of Hebrews tells us that he believed that God had promised Isaac to him so even if Isaac died God would somehow bring him back to life. Are there hard decisions you face where remembering God’s promises could help? And which promises might you want to remember?

Readings for the week 8th – 14th January

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Genesis 12-50
The Bible Project: Chronicles

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 8th January
Main Reading: Genesis 25:1-4; 1 Chronicles 1:32-33; Genesis 25:5-6, 12-18; 1 Chronicles 1:28-31, 34; Genesis 25:19-26; Genesis 25:7-11
Shorter Reading: Genesis 25:19-34
Children: Bible Lessons: Isaac and Rebecca, Bible Stories for Kids: Isaac and Rebecca
Families question: God had promised to bless the world through Abraham’s family. But the family still had a part to play in helping that promise to come true. Can you think of things we can do to help bring God’s promise of blessing to the world?

Date: Monday 9th January
Main Reading: Genesis 25:27 – 28:5
Shorter Reading: Genesis 27:1-29
Children: Esau gives away his birth-rights
Families Question: Esau and Jacob both acted in ways they shouldn’t have done. Can you list some of them? How should we act towards other people in our family?

Date: Tuesday 10th January
Main Reading: Genesis 28:6 – 30:24
Shorter Reading: Genesis 28:10-22
Children: Jacob and Esau
Families Question: How does it make you feel to know that God still wants to bless us even when we do some bad things? Perhaps there are things you need to say sorry to God for and ask his forgiveness.

Date: Wednesday 11th January
Main Reading: Genesis 30:25 – 31:55
Shorter Reading: Genesis 30:25-43
Children: Jacob’s Ladder
Families question: God met Jacob in an ordinary place, while he was asleep. Can you think of ordinary actions and places that sometimes help us feel near to God? Some of you may have memories of specific times and places where God has seemed particularly close to you, and have been in that sense a gateway to heaven.

Date: Thursday 12th January
Main Reading: Genesis 32:1 – 35:27
Shorter Reading: Genesis 32:22 – 33:11
Children: Jacob and Rachel
Families question: How do you think Jacob felt when he found he had been tricked? It can be difficult when we feel we have worked hard at something and it hasn’t gone to plan. How should we respond to this disappointment?

Date: Friday 13th January
Main Reading: Genesis 36:1-19; 1 Chronicles 1:35-37; Genesis 36:20-30; 1 Chronicles 1:38-42; Genesis 36:31-43; 1 Chronicles 1:43 – 2:2
Shorter Reading: Genesis 35:1-15
Children: Jacob and Esau make peace, Jacob wrestles with God
Families question:Can you think of a time where you have been scared to do what you know is right? Sometimes we fight God even though we know his way is best. Does it make a difference to know that God wants to bless us and fight for us not against us?

Date: Saturday 14th January
Main Reading: Genesis 37:1 – 38:30; 1 Chronicles 2:3-6, 8; Genesis 39:1-23
Shorter Reading: Genesis 37:1-36
Children: Jacob and Esau
Families question: Following feedback, we will be providing a ‘catch up’ night approximately once per week to enable families to catch up if they have missed a night. If you have missed part of the story of Jacob and Esau you could watch it tonight. Alternatively the video above from Saddleback Kids tells the whole of the story – you could watch this and think about what is your favourite part of the story, and what you have learnt from the whole story of Jacob and Esau.

Readings for the week 15th – 21st January

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Genesis 12-50
The Bible Project: Job

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 15th January
Main Reading: Genesis 40:1-23; Genesis 35:28-29; Genesis 41:1-57
Shorter Reading: Genesis 39:1-23
Children: Joseph and his coat (Genesis 37)
Families question: Joseph and his brothers all did things they shouldn’t have done, can you list some of them? What can we learn about how we act towards each other?

Date: Monday 16th January
Main Reading: Genesis 42:1 – 45:15
Shorter Reading: Genesis 41:1-36
Children: Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 39-41), Bible stories for kids: Joseph in Egypt
Families Question: Joseph ended up in some really bad places but God helped him to do well in those situations. How does God want us to live when we find ourselves in places we would rather not be?

Date: Tuesday 17th January
Main Reading: Genesis 45:16 – 47:27
Shorter Reading: Genesis 42:1-17
Children: Joseph interprets dreams in prison
Families Question: The chief cup-bearer forgot about Joseph once he was released from prison. Do we sometimes take help from other people for granted? Are there people we need to remember to thank?

Date: Wednesday 18th January
Main Reading: Genesis 47:28 – 50:26
Shorter Reading: Genesis 45:1-15
Children: Joseph interprets Pharoah’s dream
Families question: God was with Joseph even through the really touch times in his life, and eventually brought him to a place of blessing. How can this help us at times when we are face difficulties or are struggling to see what God is doing?

Date: Thursday 19th January
Main Reading: Job 1:1 – 4:21
Shorter Reading: Genesis 47:1-12
Children: Joseph Forgives (Genesis 42-45)
Families question: How do you think Joseph’s brothers felt when they found out who he was? How might they expect him to react? What difference did it make to them that Joseph forgave them, and how might this encourage us to forgive others?

Date: Friday 20th January
Main Reading: Job 5:1 – 7:21
Shorter Reading: Job 1:1-22
Children: Genesis overview- as we finish our first book of the Bible, and it’s one of the longer ones, take chance to talk about what you have enjoyed, and what you have found difficult. Perhaps pick your favourite story and watch the video again
Families question: What was your favourite part of Genesis and why? What bits did you struggle with and why? What have you learned about God from the book of Genesis? What have you learned about people?

Date: Saturday 21st January
Main Reading: Job 8:1 – 11:20
Shorter Reading: Job 2:1-13
Children: The book of Job is different from the book of Genesis.
Most of it is people speaking rather than telling the story. So instead of telling a bit of the story each day, we will look at the whole story in increasing depth over the next week. This first video gives a brief summary of the story as Job experienced it. Job: Old Testament Stories for kids
Families question: Sometimes sad and difficult things will happen in our lives. God told Job that even in the bad things God is there for us and we can trust him. How does this help us to get through difficult times? Maybe you are finding something hard at the moment and you can ask God to help you to know he is with you.

Readings for the week 22nd – 28th January

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Job

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 22nd January
Main Reading: Job 12:1 – 14:22
Shorter Reading: Job 3:1-26
Children: This version of the story of Job goes into more detail of what is going on behind the scenes. Job: Animated Bible Story for kids (Apologies about the watermark but it is hopefully still a useful video
Families question: Job couldn’t understand what was happening because he only saw part of the picture. How does it help us to know that God sees the big picture and wants the best for us?

Date: Monday 23rd January
Main Reading: Job 15:1 – 18:21
Shorter Reading: Job 7:1-21
Children: Over the next 3 days we will see the whole story of Job as told by the TV series Superbook. The video will be the same for each day, but we will watch it in 3 parts. For today watch the first 10 minutes: Superbook: Job
Families Question: Everyone is surprised that Job still praises God even after all the terrible things that have happened. How can we help one another to keep our faith even when it is difficult?

Date: Tuesday 24th January
Main Reading: Job 19:1 – 21:34
Shorter Reading: Job 11:1-20
Children: The second part of the Superbook episode, watch from 10 minutes through to about 16:11: Superbook: Job
Families Question: Job says that the hard things he has suffered are worth it because he knows that if he keeps faithful he will see God. Does this bigger picture help us to see things in a different way?

Date: Wednesday 25th January
Main Reading: Job 22:1 – 25:6
Shorter Reading: Job 19:1-29
Children: The final part of the Superbook video, from 16:10 to the end: The second part of the Superbook episode, watch from 10 minutes through to about 16:11: Superbook: Job
Families question: God forgives Job and his friends and blesses Job. How does it help us to know that God always wants the best for us even when things don’t always go right?

Date: Thursday 26th January
Main Reading: Job 26:1 – 29:25
Shorter Reading: Job 20:1-11
Children: Job was suffering, but not as a result of anything he had done. His friends weren’t much help. Many in the world still suffer for reasons outside of their control, but the church can help them to see how God is with them and to improve their situation. This video is one example of how Tearfund is helping many including children.
Families question: How can we pray for people around the world who are suffering today?

Date: Friday 27th January
Main Reading: Job 30:1 – 31:40
Shorter Reading: Job 23:1-17
Children: This is a catch up day, an opportunity to watch any videos you have missed, or to re-watch your favourites.
Families question: What have you learned from the story of Job which will change how you view the things that happen in your life, and what God does for you?

Date: Saturday 28th January
Main Reading: Job 32:1 – 34:37
Shorter Reading: Job 27:1-6; 28:1-28
Children: We are going to move onto our next Bible book now (a little bit ahead of the main reading plan).  This is the beginning of the book of Exodus. Baby Moses | Stories of the Bible
Families question: For Moses to be saved lots of people had to do some brave and difficult things. Can you name some of them and what they did?

Readings for the week 29th – 4th February

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Job
The Bible Project Book overview: Exodus 1-18
The Bible Project Torah series: Exodus 1-18
Map of the Exodus

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 29th January
Main Reading: Job 35:1 – 37:24
Shorter Reading: Job 32:1-5; Job 35:1-16
Children: Moses and the burning bush
Families question: Why do you think it was so hard for God to convince Moses that he would be with him? Why do we sometimes find it hard to believe what God is saying to us?

Date: Monday 30th January
Main Reading: Job 38:1 – 40:5
Shorter Reading: Job 38:1-18
Children: Moses and the Exodus
Families Question: Why do you think Pharaoh was so stubborn about not letting the people go? Can we sometimes get stubborn about doing something a particular way even it’s actually not the best idea?

Date: Tuesday 31st January
Main Reading: Job 40:6 – 42:17
Shorter Reading: Job 42:7-17
Children: The plagues, part 1
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 1st February
Main Reading: Exodus 1:1 – 2:25; 1 Chronicles 6:1-3; Exodus 3:1 – 4:17
Shorter Reading: Exodus 1:8-10; Exodus 1:22 – 2:10
Children: The plagues, part 2
Families question:

Date: Thursday 2nd February
Main Reading: Exodus 4:18 – 7:13
Shorter Reading: Exodus 3:1-22
Children: Today’s video explains more about the Jewish feast of Passover, why and how it is celebrated today.
Families question: The Jewish people celebrate Passover every year as being set free from slavery in Egypt was a key moment in their history. What meal do we regularly celebrate as Christians, and are there links between this and Passover?

Date: Friday 3rd February
Main Reading: Exodus 7:14 – 9:35
Shorter Reading: Exodus 7:1-13
Children: Crossing the red sea
Families question: The Israelites had no way out, but God made a path for them through the sea? Think if there are things in your life where you are not sure which way to go, and ask God to make a clear path for you.

Date: Saturday 4th February
Main Reading: Exodus 10:1 – 12:51
Shorter Reading: Exodus 12:1-16, 29-30
Children: This is a catch up night, an opportunity to watch any videos you have missed, or to review parts of the story of the Exodus from Egypt.
Families question: God worked powerfully to set his people free from slavery. How can this encourage us if there are things in our life which make us feel trapped?

Readings for the week 5th – 11th February

General resources for this week
The Bible Project Book overview: Exodus 1-18
The Bible Project Torah series: Exodus 1-18
The Bible Project Book overview: Exodus 19-40
The Bible Project Torah series: Exodus 19-40
Map of the Exodus
The Bible Project podcast: The ten commandments

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 5th February
Main Reading: Exodus 13:1 – 15:27
Shorter Reading: Exodus 14
Children: Moses in the Wilderness
Families question: The people were not grateful for what God had done, but complained about the things they felt were wrong. What can help us be thankful rather than complaining?

Date: Monday 6th February
Main Reading: Exodus 16:1 – 19:25
Shorter Reading: Exodus 15:22 – 16:18
Children: God’s Story: The Wilderness
Families Question: How many things can you think of which God did for the people, which should have convinced them he was with them? In what ways does God show himself to be with you?

Date: Tuesday 7th February
Main Reading: Exodus 20:1 – 22:15
Shorter Reading: Exodus 19:1-9, 16-25
Children: Bitter water made sweet
Families Question: Moses couldn’t understand why God had brought the people to a place where the water couldn’t be drunk. But God had a miracle planned. Are there things you don’t understand about what God is doing in your life, where you need to ask him to help you see something special?

Date: Wednesday 8th February
Main Reading: Exodus 22:16 – 24:18
Shorter Reading: Exodus 20:1-21
Children: The battle against the Amalkites: Video 1, Video 2
Families question: The Israelites only won when Moses, Joshua and Hur worked together. What does this teach us about needing to work with others for God’s will to be done?

Date: Thursday 9th February
Main Reading: Exodus 25:1 – 28:43
Shorter Reading: Exodus 24:1-18
Children: The ten commandments
Families question: How do you think Moses felt meeting with God on the mountain? Do we sometimes forget how amazing it is to be able to meet with God?

Date: Friday 10th February
Main Reading: Exodus 29:1 – 31:18
Shorter Reading: Exodus 25:1-22
Children: The golden calf
Families question: It did not take the people long to break the 10 commandments, but God forgave them.
What do we learn about how hard it is to follow God, and how much he loves us?

Date: Saturday 11th February
Main Reading: Exodus 32:1 – 34:35
Shorter Reading: Exodus 32:1-21
Children: This is a catch up day, or an opportunity to re-watch a favourite video.
Families question: What can we learn from the journey’s of the people in the desert, about how we follow God? Are we like them in quickly forgetting what God has done for us? But how can we be encouraged by God’s response to them?

Readings for the week 12th – 18th February

General resources for this week
The Bible Project Book overview: Exodus 19-40
The Bible Project Torah series: Exodus 19-40
Map of the Exodus
The Bible Project: Leviticus
The Bible Project: Numbers

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 12th February
Main Reading: Exodus 35:1-36:38
Shorter Reading: Exodus 33:1-3, 12-23
Children: The Tent of Meeting
Families question: In the wilderness only Moses could have such a close relationship with God. Give thanks that now we can all talk directly with God through Jesus.

Date: Monday 13th February
Main Reading: Exodus 37:1 – 39:31
Shorter Reading: Exodus 34:29-35
Children: The Tabernacle. This video tells the story of the Tabernacle. This video is a walk through a scale model of the Tabernacle.
Families Question: It was really important for the people to have a place where they could worship God? Where do you most often feel that God is present?

Date: Tuesday 14th February
Main Reading: Exodus 39:32 – 40:38; Numbers 9:15-23
Shorter Reading: Exodus 39:32-43; Exodus 40:34-38
Children: The Ark and the Tabernacle
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 15th February
Main Reading: Numbers 7:1-89
Shorter Reading: Numbers 7:1-11, 89
Children: The main readings are about to start the book of Leviticus, which gives some detailed Laws from God about how the people should worship. While they do, we are going to take the opportunity to look in more detail at the 10 commandments, using a series of Cartoons which tell the story of Seth, an 11 year old boy living in the time of Moses. There are five episodes, each about 20-30 minutes long and covering two commandments, so we suggest you split each episode over two days. Episode 1 – The not so golden calf
Families question: Aaron made the calf because he wanted to keep the people happy. Sometimes it is hard to do the right thing rather than the easy thing. Pray for God to help us always do what is right.

Date: Thursday 16th February
Main Reading: Numbers 8:1 – 9:14; Leviticus 1:1 – 3:17
Shorter Reading: Numbers 8:5-19
Children: Episode 1 – The not so golden calf
Families question: How do you think Moses felt when he saw how quickly the people had forgotten God? Are there things we do which push God away from where he should be in our lives?

Date: Friday 17th February
Main Reading: Leviticus 4:1 – 6:30
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 1:1-17
Children: Episode 2 – The rest is yet to come
Families question: Jesus said, “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.” How important is it for us to be honest? If we are always honest how does that help us not to misuse God’s name?

Date: Saturday 18th February
Main Reading: Leviticus 7:1 – 8:36
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 7:22-38
Children: Episode 2 – The rest is yet to come
Families question: Rest is important. What helps you to take times of rest to spend time with God?

Readings for the week 19th – 25th February

General resources for this week
Map of the Exodus
The Bible Project: Leviticus
The Bible Project: Numbers

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 19th February
Main Reading: Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 8:1-13, 30-36
Children: This is a catch-up day. Take the opportunity to catch up any of the videos you didn’t have chance to watch last week.
Families question:

Date: Monday 20th February
Main Reading: Leviticus 12:1 – 14:32
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 9:1-24
Children: Episode 3 – A life and Seth situation
Families Question: Sometimes we start doing something that seems like a small wrong, but then leads to bigger and bigger things. What ‘small’ wrongs do you need to stop before they become bigger things?

Date: Tuesday 21st February
Main Reading: Leviticus 14:33 – 16:34
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 10:1-11
Children: Episode 3 – A life and Seth situation
Families Question: Sometimes we don’t understand why we are told not to do certain things. Why is it always wise to listen to advice from those who care for us?

Date: Wednesday 22nd February
Main Reading: Leviticus 17:1 – 19:37
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 16:1-19
Children: Episode 4 – Stolen jewels, stolen hearts
Families question:

Date: Thursday 23rd February
Main Reading: Leviticus 20:1 – 22:33
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 16:20-34
Children: Episode 4 – Stolen jewels, stolen hearts
Families question: It is important for us to remember which people and things are really valuable to us, and not to get distracted from them. Who or what is most important in your life?

Date: Friday 24th February
Main Reading: Leviticus 23:1 – 25:23
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 23:1-44
Children: Episode 5 – In toying with the truth
Families question: Sometimes it can be hard when it feels like things we have to do crowd out time for things we want to do. Why is it important to have both in our lives?

Date: Saturday 25th February
Main Reading: Leviticus 25:24 – 26:46
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 25:1-17
Children: Episode 5 – In toying with the truth
Families question: Are you ever tempted to tell an inaccurate version of what has happened? Why is it important to be honest?

Readings for the week 26th February – 4th March

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Leviticus
The Bible Project: Numbers

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 26th February
Main Reading: Leviticus 27:1-34; Numbers 1:1-54
Shorter Reading: Leviticus 26:1-13
Children: This is a catch-up day. Take the opportunity to catch up any of the videos you didn’t have chance to watch last week.
Families question:

Date: Monday 27th February
Main Reading: Numbers 2:1 – 3:51
Shorter Reading: Numbers 3:1-13, 40-51
Children: Priests and sacrifices
Families Question: Imagine what it would be like if we couldn’t talk to God directly, we had to ask someone else to worship him for us. Thank God that because of Jesus every one of us can worship and pray to him.

Date: Tuesday 28th February
Main Reading: Numbers 4:1 – 5:31
Shorter Reading: Numbers 5:1-10; Numbers 6:1-21
Children: The scapegoat
Families Question: How amazing is it that God removes our sins so completely that they can never come back? Thank God for his forgiveness.

Date: Wednesday 1st March
Main Reading: Numbers 6:1-27; Numbers 10:1-36
Shorter Reading: Numbers 6:22-27; Numbers 11:1-15; Numbers 11:31-35
Children: Quail
Families question: Are there times we are too focused on what we haven’t got, rather than what we have? Thank God for all the good things he has given us.

Date: Thursday 2nd March
Main Reading: Numbers 11:1 – 13:33
Shorter Reading: Numbers 13:1-3, 17-33
Children: Miriam and Aaron rebel
Families question: Most of us at times like to feel that we are important. We all matter to God, but that doesn’t mean we can all have the “top job” (but some will!). Ask God to help you know what he has called you to in the church.

Date: Friday 3rd March
Main Reading: Numbers 14:1 – 15:41
Shorter Reading: Numbers 14:1-38
Children: Spies in Canaan
Families question: Why didn’t the people listen to Joshua and Caleb? The majority are not always right, it is important to try to do what God wants, not just what most people want to do.

Date: Saturday 4th March
Main Reading: Numbers 16:1 – 18:32
Shorter Reading: Numbers 16:1-7, 16-35
Children: Korah
Families question: Why do you think Korah challenged Moses and Aaron? Do we sometimes act from the same motives?

Readings for the week 5th – 11th March

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Numbers

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 5th March
Main Reading: Numbers 19:1 – 21:35
Shorter Reading: Numbers 17:1-13
Children: Aaron’s staff buds
Families question: The people seemed very slow to learn to trust the leaders God had chosen. What can make it hard to trust people?

Date: Monday 6th March
Main Reading: Numbers 22:1 – 24:25
Shorter Reading: Numbers 20:1-13, 22-29
Children: The bronze snake
Families Question: The people looked at the snake lifted on the pole and were healed. Jesus later compared this to how he would be lifted up on the cross. How are we healed by looking at Jesus?

Date: Tuesday 7th March
Main Reading: Numbers 25:1 – 26:65
Shorter Reading: Numbers 22:1-41
Children: Balaam and his donkey
Families Question: Balak wanted to harm Israel, but God turned it to good. In Romans it says that God works all things for good to those who love him. Are there ways you have seen God bring good things out of difficult times for you or your family and friends?

Date: Wednesday 8th March
Main Reading: Numbers 27:1 – 29:40
Shorter Reading: Numbers 23:1-30
Children: Zelophehad’s Daughters
Families question: Women have often not been treated well in history. People in the Bible were not always good at this either, but stories like this remind us that God values all people. Give thanks that you are loved and valued by God, whoever you are.

Date: Thursday 9th March
Main Reading: Numbers 30:1 – 31:54
Shorter Reading: Numbers 27:1-23
Children: Moses dies
Families question: Moses had done so much for God and the people, but he didn’t get to the Promised Land. Sometimes our hard work is for other people’s benefit. How does this make you feel? God reminds us that at the end of time all will be fairly rewarded for their faithfulness to him.

Date: Friday 10th March
Main Reading: Numbers 32:1 – 33:56
Shorter Reading: Numbers 32:1-27
Children: We have reached the end of the book of Numbers. Tonight is an opportunity to think about the story of the people in the wilderness so far. Perhaps you might want to watch a favourite video again, or catch up one which you have missed.
Families question:

Date: Saturday 11th March
Main Reading: Numbers 34:1 – 36:13
Shorter Reading: Numbers 35:1-15
Children: The 5th book of the Bible, Deuteronomy, repeats much of the story of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. By hearing a story more than once we are more likely to remember it. So over the next few nights we are going to repeat the story ourselves. Begin with this video, watching up to 8:48.
Families question:

Readings for the week 12th – 18th March

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Deuteronomy

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 12th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:20
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1-8, 19-46
Children: Continue with this video, watching from 8:49 up to 16:12.
Families question:

Date: Monday 13th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 3:21 – 5:33
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-14
Children: Continue with this video, watching from 16:12 up to 25:55.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 14th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1 – 9:29
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 5:1-22
Children: Continue with this video, watching from 25:18 up to 30:07.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 15th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 10:1 – 12:32
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-8; Deuteronomy 8:1-10
Children: Continue with this video, watching from 30:08 up to 35:54.
Families question:

Date: Thursday 16th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 13:1 – 16:17
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 11:1-32
Children: Continue with this video, watching from 35:55 to the end.
Families question:

Date: Friday 17th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 15:1-11
Children: We are about to move on to the next part of the story, where the Israelites enter the Promised Land with Joshua as their leader. As we prepare for this, over the next three nights we are going to watch a video showing Joshua’s part in the story nearly 40 years before. Watch from the beginning to 9:33 today
Families question:

Date: Saturday 18th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 21:10 – 25:19
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 19:1-21
Children: Tonight’s video has unfortunately been removed from YouTube. So we will take tonight as a rest and catch-up night as we prepare to enter the Promised Land.
Families question:

Readings for the week 19th – 25th March

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Deuteronomy
The Bible Project: Joshua

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 19th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 26:1 – 29:1
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 29:1-8
Children: Joshua leads
Families question: Joshua was given a difficult job, but God promised to be with him. What difficult things do we have to do, and does it help to know God is with us?

Date: Monday 20th March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 29:2 – 31:29
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 31:1-8
Children: Rahab
Families Question: Rahab was not an Israelite, and she had lived a life which included some bad things. What does she teach us about where we might expect to find faith?

Date: Tuesday 21st March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 31:30 – 32:52; Psalm 90
Shorter Reading: Deuteronomy 32:48-52; Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Children: Crossing the Jordan
Families Question: The Israelites built a monument to remind them what God had done. What can we do to help us to remember what God has done for us?

Date: Wednesday 22nd March
Main Reading: Deuteronomy 33:1 – 34:12; Joshua 1:1 – 2:24
Shorter Reading: Joshua 1:1-17
Children: The fall of Jericho
Families question:

Date: Thursday 23rd March
Main Reading: Joshua 3:1 – 6:27
Shorter Reading: Joshua 2:1-24
Children: Achan
Families question: When we do things wrong it can hurt other people too. It can be really hard to admit when we have done things wrong. But God knows, and he forgives if we ask him to. What do you need to ask his forgiveness for today?

Date: Friday 24th March
Main Reading: Joshua 7:1; 1 Chronicles 2:7; Joshua 7:2 – 9:27
Shorter Reading: Joshua 3:1-17
Children: The Gibeonites trick Joshua
Families question:

Date: Saturday 25th March
Main Reading: Joshua 10:1 – 12:6
Shorter Reading: Joshua 6:1-27
Children: Tonight is a catch up night, an opportunity to watch any videos you have missed, or watch a favourite again.
Families question:

Readings for the week 26th March – 1st April

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Joshua
The Bible Project: Judges

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 26th March
Main Reading: Joshua 12:7 – 15:19
Shorter Reading: Joshua 7:1-26
Children: The sun stands still
Families question:

Date: Monday 27th March
Main Reading: Joshua 15:20 – 17:18
Shorter Reading: Joshua 8:1-29
Children: Joshua divides up the land
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 28th March
Main Reading: Joshua 18:1 – 19:48
Shorter Reading: Joshua 9:1-27
Children: Joshua’s final challenge
Families Question: Joshua challenged the people, were they willing to serve God? Are you willing to serve God today?

Date: Wednesday 29th March
Main Reading: Joshua 19:49 – 21:45; 1 Chronicles 6:54-81
Shorter Reading: Joshua 23:1-16
Children: Joshua is only a short book. Before we move on to the next book, we’re going to spend a couple of nights viewing the most famous story from it in more detail, with Superbook
Families question:

Date: Thursday 30th March
Main Reading: Joshua 22:1 – 24:33
Shorter Reading: Joshua 24:14-33
Children: Watch the second half of this video.
Families question:

Date: Friday 31st March
Main Reading: Judges 1:1 – 3:30
Shorter Reading: Judges 2:6-19
Children: Deborah
Families question: It would have been unheard of for a woman to lead the people into battle in those days, so Deborah was someone very special. God can use even the most unexpected people to achieve his will. Be looking out for how he might be using you.

Date: Saturday 1st April
Main Reading: Judges 3:31 – 6:40
Shorter Reading: Judges 4:1-15
Children: Gideon and the Fleece
Families question: Gideon wanted a sign to be sure God was really calling him. Sometimes we might need something to be sure too? What signs might God give us?

Readings for the week 2nd – 8th April

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Judges
The Bible Project: Ruth

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 2nd April
Main Reading: Judges 7:1 – 9:21
Shorter Reading: Judges 6:1-16, 36-40
Children: Gideon and his army
Families question: God gave Gideon some strange instructions which meant they won the battle without having to fight. Can you think of times when God has worked in unexpected ways to make things happen for you?

Date: Monday 3rd April
Main Reading: Judges 9:22 – 11:28
Shorter Reading: Judges 7:1-22
Children:Today is a catch up night, to watch any videos you have missed, or to watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 4th April
Main Reading: Judges 11:29 – 15:20
Shorter Reading: Judges 13:1-25
Children: Samson is born
Families Question: To see an angel was a rare and special thing. But the Bible tells us that sometimes God uses people as ‘angels’, messengers from him.
Who has God used to speak his message to you?

Date: Wednesday 5th April
Main Reading: Judges 16:1 – 18:31
Shorter Reading: Judges 14:1-20
Children: Samson and Delilah
Families question: Samson’s mistake was to forget that his strength was a gift from God. How can we be careful to make the same mistake?

Date: Thursday 6th April
Main Reading: Judges 19:1 – 21:25
Shorter Reading: Judges 16:1-30
Children: Samson’s death
Families question: Give thanks that God keeps his promises to us even when we don’t remain faithful to him.

Date: Friday 7th April
Main Reading: Ruth 1:1 – 4:12
Shorter Reading: Ruth 1:1-18
Children: Ruth
Families question:

Date: Saturday 8th April
Main Reading: Ruth 4:13-22; 1 Chronicles 2:9-55; 1 Chronicles 4:1-23; 1 Samuel 1:1-8
Shorter Reading: Ruth 3:1-18
Children: Here is another version of the story of Ruth.

Readings for the week 9th – 15th April

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: 1 Samuel

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 9th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 1:9 – 4:11
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 1:1-20
Children: The Easter weekend celebrates the central events of our faith. We are going to take a break from our Bible in a Year for tonight to watch a summary of the events of Holy Week and Easter
Families Question: Why is this week so important? What has Jesus done for us?

Date: Monday 10th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 4:12 – 8:22
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-21
Children: Samuel is born
Families Question: Hannah prayed for a long time for a child. What do you need to keep praying for, without giving up?

Date: Tuesday 11th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 9:1 – 12:25
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 7:2-12; 1 Samuel 8:4-22
Children: God calls Samuel
Families Question: Most of us won’t hear a voice, but God still calls us today. What might he be calling you to do?

Date: Wednesday 12th April
Main Reading: 1 Chronicles 9:35-39; 1 Samuel 13:1-5; 1 Samuel 13:19-23; 1 Samuel 13:6-18; 1 Samuel 14:1-52
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 9:1-10, 15-17; 1 Samuel 10:1-11
Children: Saul is annointed king
Families question:

Date: Thursday 13th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 15:1 – 17:31
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 13:1-15
Children: David is annointed king
Families question:

Date: Friday 14th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 17:32 – 19:17; Psalm 59; 1 Samuel 19:18-24
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Children: David and Goliath
Families question:

Date: Saturday 15th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 20:1 – 21:15; Psalm 34
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 16:14-23; 1 Samuel 18:1-9
Children: David and Jonathan
Families question:

Readings for the week 16th – 22nd April

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: 1 Samuel
The Bible Project: 2 Samuel
The Bible Project: Psalms

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 16th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 22:1-2; Psalm 57; Psalm 142; 1 Chronicles 12:8-18; 1 Samuel 22:3-23; Psalm 52; 1 Samuel 23:1-12
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 19:1-10
Children: David spares Saul’s life
Families Question:

Date: Monday 17th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 23:13-29; Psalm 54; 1 Samuel 24:1 – 25:44
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 24:1-22
Children: David and Saul
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 18th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 26:1 – 27:7; 1 Chronicles 12:1-7; 1 Samuel 27:8 – 29:11; 1 Chronicles 12:19; Psalm 56
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 26:1-25
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch any videos you have missed, or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 19th April
Main Reading: 1 Samuel 30:1-31; 1 Chronicles 12:20-22; 1 Samuel 31:1-13; 1 Chronicles 10:1-14; 1 Chronicles 9:40-44; 2 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 1:1-27
Shorter Reading: 1 Samuel 31:1-13
Children: Death of Saul
Families question:

Date: Thursday 20th April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 2:1 – 3:5; 1 Chronicles 3:1-4; 2 Samuel 23:8-17; 1 Chronicles 11:10-19; 2 Samuel 23:18-39; 1 Chronicles 11:20-47
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 2:1-17
Children: David becomes king
Families question:

Date: Friday 21st April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 3:6 – 4:12
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 5:1-12
Children: The ark is brought to Jerusalem
Families question:

Date: Saturday 22nd April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 5:1-3; 1 Chronicles 11:1-3; 1 Chronicles 12:23-40; 2 Samuel 5:17-25; 1 Chronicles 14:8-17; 2 Samuel 5:6-10; 1 Chronicles 11:4-9; 1 Chronicles 3:4; 2 Samuel 5:13; 2 Samuel 5:4-5; 2 Samuel 5:11-12; 1 Chronicles 14:1-2; 1 Chronicles 13:1-5; 2 Samuel 6:1-11; 1 Chronicles 13:6-14
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 6:1-23
Children: David’s Prayers
Families question:

Readings for the week 23rd – 29th April

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: 2 Samuel
The Bible Project: Psalms

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 23rd April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 6:12; 1 Chronicles 15:1-28; 2 Samuel 6:12-16; 1 Chronicles 15:29; 2 Samuel 6:17-19; 1 Chronicles 16:1-43; 2 Samuel 6:19-23
Shorter Reading: 1 Chronicles 15:1-2, 11-15, 25-28; 1 Chronicles 16:1-3
Children: Mephibosheth
Families Question: David was kind to Mephibosheth because Jonathan had been kind to him. In what ways can we repay the kindness of others?

Date: Monday 24th April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-17; 1 Chronicles 17:1-15; 2 Samuel 7:18-29; 1 Chronicles 17:16-27; 2 Samuel 8:1-14; 1 Chronicles 18:1-13; Psalm 60
Shorter Reading:2 Samuel 7:1-17
Children: David’s big mistake
Families Question: Even as good a man as David could make terrible mistakes, but God forgave him when he was truly sorry. How does that help us when we do things we know are wrong?

Date: Tuesday 25th April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 8:15-18; 1 Chronicles 18:14-17; 1 Chronicles 6:16-30; 1 Chronicles 6:50-53; 1 Chronicles 6:31-48; 2 Samuel 9:1 – 10:19; 1 Chronicles 19:1-19
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 9:1-13
Children: Psalm 51 – David prays for forgiveness
Families Question: Use this Psalm to help you pray for God to forgive you for the wrong things in your life.

Date: Wednesday 26th April
Main Reading: 1 Chronicles 20:1; 2 Samuel 11:1 – 12:14; Psalm 51; 2 Samuel 12:15-25; 2 Samuel 5:14-16; 1 Chronicles 14:3-7; 1 Chronicles 3:5-9
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 11:2-27
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to catch up any videos you have missed, or to rewatch a favourite.
Families question:

Date: Thursday 27th April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 12:26-31; 1 Chronicles 20:2-3; 2 Samuel 13:1 – 14:33
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 12:1-25
Children: Absalom rebels
Families question: Even after everything Absalom did, David still loved him. What does this teach us about how God loves us?

Date: Friday 28th April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 15:1 – 17:14
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 15:1-18
Children: Barzillai
Families question:

Date: Saturday 29th April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 17:15-29; Psalm 3; Psalm 63; 2 Samuel 18:1 – 19:30
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 18:1-33
Children: David counts his soldiers
Families question: Why was it wrong for David to count his men? Are there times when we put our trust in what we can do rather than what God can do?

Readings for the week 30th April – 6th May

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: 2 Samuel
The Bible Project: Psalms

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 30th April
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 19:31 – 20:26; Psalm 7; 2 Samuel 21:1-22; 1 Chronicles 20:4-8
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 19:24-39
Children: David and the temple
Families Question: What doors has God closed for you? Are you continuing to praise him?

Date: Monday 1st May
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 22:1-51; Psalm 18
Shorter Reading: Psalm 18
Children: How does David fit in to the overall story of the Bible? This video explains more.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 2nd May
Main Reading: 2 Samuel 24:1-9; 1 Chronicles 21:1-6; 2 Samuel 24:10-17; 1 Chronicles 21:7-17; 2 Samuel 24:18-25; 1 Chronicles 21:18 – 22:19
Shorter Reading: 2 Samuel 24:1-25
Children: Adonijah
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 3rd May
Main Reading: 1 Chronicles 23:1 – 25:31
Shorter Reading: 1 Chronicles 22:2-19
Children: Solomon is crowned king
Families question:

Date: Thursday 4th May
Main Reading: 1 Chronicles 26:1 – 28:21
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 1:1-27
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to catch up any videos you have missed, or to rewatch a favourite.
Families question:

Date: Friday 5th May
Main Reading: 1 Chronicles 29:1-22; 1 Kings 1:1-53
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 1:28-53
Children: King David wrote songs and poems, many of which we have in our Bible in the book of Psalms.
Over the next few days we will use these Psalms to worship in different ways. But first, this video looks at what the Psalms are.
Families question:

Date: Saturday 6th May
Main Reading: 1 Kings 2:1-9; 2 Samuel 23:1-7; 1 Kings 2:10-12; 1 Chronicles 29:26-30; Psalm 4 – 6; Psalm 8 – 9; Psalm 11
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 2:1-12
Children: Psalm 8
Families question: How does it make you feel to think that even though God made everything, he cares about you?

Readings for the week 7th – 13th May

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Psalms

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 7th May
Main Reading: Psalms 12-17, 19-21
Shorter Reading: Psalm 8
Children: We don’t know when David wrote Psalm 22. But we do know Jesus quoted from it on the cross.
This video puts the words of the Psalm alongside the events of the crucifixion.
Families Question: How does Psalm 22 help us to understand how Jesus might have been feeling as he suffered and died?

Date: Monday 8th May
Main Reading: Psalms 22-26
Shorter Reading: Psalms 13-15
Children: On Psalm 23… and being a sheep
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 9th May
Main Reading: Psalms 27-32
Shorter Reading: Psalm 19
Children: The Lord is my shepherd
Families Question: In what ways is Jesus like a shepherd to us?

Date: Wednesday 10th May
Main Reading: Psalms 35-38
Shorter Reading: Psalm 27
Children: Psalm 91
Families question: How might God protect you in your life?

Date: Thursday 11th May
Main Reading: Psalms 39-41, 53, 55, 58
Shorter Reading: Psalm 40
Children: Psalm 107
Families question: What do you want to thank God for today?

Date: Friday 12th May
Main Reading: Psalms 61-62, 64-67
Shorter Reading: Psalm 66
Children: Psalm 139
Families question: God knows everything about you. How does that make you feel?

Date: Saturday 13th May
Main Reading: Psalms 68-70, 86, 101
Shorter Reading: Psalm 103
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed, or to watch a favourite again.
Families question:

Readings for the week 14th – 20th May

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Psalms

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 14th May
Main Reading: Psalms 103, 108-110, 122, 124
Shorter Reading: Psalm 139
Children: We are moving on to the story of King Solomon, who was known to be very wise. This video (best for younger children), and this one (for slightly older children), both tell the story of how he got his wisdom.
Families Question: If God said he would give you one thing, what would you ask for?

Date: Monday 15th May
Main Reading: Psalms 131, 133, 138-141, 143
Shorter Reading: Psalm 145
Children: The main focus of this video is on the most famous story of Solomon’s wisdom.
Families Question: What was wise about Solomon’s response to the two women? Do you think you would have responded in the same way?

Date: Tuesday 16th May
Main Reading: Psalms 144-145, 88-89
Shorter Reading: Psalm 79
Children: Solomon builds the temple
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 17th May
Main Reading: Psalms 50, 73-74
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 3:1-15
Children: The temple is built and dedicated
Families question: How do you think the people felt when God’s presence filled the temple? Why did this matter?

Date: Thursday 18th May
Main Reading: Psalms 75-78
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 3:16-28
Children: Solomon’s temple walkthrough
Families question: Was the temple as you expected? What was different from how you pictured it?

Date: Friday 19th May
Main Reading: Psalms 79-82
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 5:1-18
Children: Solomon’s Downfall
Families question: It all went wrong for Solomon because he started doing things his way instead of God’s. Are there ways in which we do the same?

Date: Saturday 20th May
Main Reading: Psalm 83; 1 Chronicles 29:23-25; 2 Chronicles 1:1; 1 Kings 2:13 – 3:4; 2 Chronicles 1:2-6; 1 Kings 3:5-15; 2 Chronicles 1:7-13
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 6:1-14, 37-38; 1 Kings 7:1-12
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed, or to watch a favourite again.
Families question:

Readings for the week 21st – 27th May

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Book(s) of Kings
The Bible Project: Book(s) of Chronicles
The Bible Project: Proverbs

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 21st May
Main Reading: 1 Kings 3:16-28; 1 Kings 5:1-18; 2 Chronicles 2:1-18; 1 Kings 6:1-13; 2 Chronicles 3:1-14; 1 Kings 6:14-38
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 8:1-21
Children: Superbook: Solomon Watch the first 9 minutes today.
Families Question:

Date: Monday 22nd May
Main Reading: 1 Kings 7:1-51; 2 Chronicles 3:15-4:22
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 8:22-61
Children: Superbook: Solomon Watch from 8:50 to the end.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 23rd May
Main Reading: 1 Kings 8:1-11; 2 Chronicles 5:1-14; 1 Kings 8:12-21; 2 Chronicles 6:1-11; 1 Kings 8:22-53; 2 Chronicles 6:12-42
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 9:1-9
Children: King Solomon wrote some of the Bible, including the book of Proverbs. This video tells you a bit more about that book.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 24th May
Main Reading: 1 Kings 8:54-66; 2 Chronicles 7:1-10; 1 Kings 9:1-9; 2 Chronicles 7:11-22; 1 Kings 9:10-14
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 10:1-13
Children: What is wisdom? And how is it different from knowledge?
Families question: Where in your life do you need help to be wise, not just to have knowledge?

Date: Thursday 25th May
Main Reading: 2 Chronicles 8:1-18; 1 Kings 9:15 – 10:13; 2 Chronicles 9:1-12; 1 Kings 10:14-29; 2 Chronicles 9:13-28; 2 Chronicles 1:14-17
Shorter Reading: Psalm 72
Children: What sort of things did Solomon write about? This very short video tells us some of the answer.
Families question:

Date: Friday 26th May
Main Reading: 1 Kings 4:1-34; Psalm 72; Psalm 127
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 1:1-7; Proverbs 2:1-11
Children: Proverbs 3:12
Families question: How do we think God corrects us in our life?

Date: Saturday 27th May
Main Reading: Proverbs 1:1 – 4:27
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 4:1-27
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed, or to watch a favourite again.
Families question:

Readings for the week 28th May – 3rd June

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Proverbs

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 28th May
Main Reading: Proverbs 5:1 – 7:27
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 8:1-21
Children: The power of words
Families Question:

Date: Monday 29th May
Main Reading: Proverbs 8:1 – 10:32
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 9:1-12
Children: Humility
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 30th May
Main Reading: Proverbs 11:1 – 13:25
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 10:1-12
Children: Our own understanding
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 31st May
Main Reading: Proverbs 14:1 – 16:33
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 15:1-33
Children: Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
Families question:

Date: Thursday 1st June
Main Reading: Proverbs 17:1 – 19:29
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 18:1-24
Children: Ecclesiastes overview
Families question:

Date: Friday 2nd June
Main Reading: Proverbs 20:1 – 22:16
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 21:1-31
Children: Ecclesiastes 2
Families question:

Date: Saturday 3rd June
Main Reading: Proverbs 22:17 – 24:34
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 22:17-28; Proverbs 24:23-34
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed, or to watch a favourite again.
Families question:

Readings for the week 4th – 10th June

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Book(s) of Kings
The Bible Project: Book(s) of Chronicles
The Bible Project: Ecclesiastes
Chart of the Kings of Israel and Judah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 4th June
Main Reading: Song of Songs 1:1 – 8:14
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 11:1-13
Children: Jeroboam and Rehoboam
Families Question:

Date: Monday 5th June
Main Reading: 1 Kings 11:1-43; 2 Chronicles 9:29-31; Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 11:26-40
Children: The Kingdom divides
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 6th June
Main Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:12 – 6:12
Shorter Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1-18; Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
Children: Jeroboam and the altar
Families Question: Even when God gave him an obvious sign, Jereboam wouldn’t listen to the prophet? How are we sometimes stubborn and refuse to listen?

Date: Wednesday 7th June
Main Reading: Ecclesiastes 7:1 – 11:6
Shorter Reading:Ecclesiastes 9:1-12; Ecclesiastes 12:9-14
Children: King Abijah
Families question: Thank God that whatever we have done in the past, God is faithful if we turn back to him.

Date: Thursday 8th June
Main Reading: Ecclesiastes 11:7 – 12:14; 1 Kings 12:1-20; 2 Chronicles 10:1-19; 1 Kings 12:21-24; 2 Chronicles 11:1-4; 1 Kings 12:25-33; 2 Chronicles 11:5-17
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 12:1-20
Children: Elijah is fed by ravens
Families question:

Date: Friday 9th June
Main Reading: 1 Kings 13:1 – 14:18; 1 Kings 14:21-24; 2 Chronicles 12:13-14; 2 Chronicles 11:18-23; 2 Chronicles 12:1-12; 1 Kings 14:25-28; 2 Chronicles 12:15-16; 1 Kings 14:29 – 15:5; 2 Chronicles 13:1-22; 1 Kings 15:6-8; 2 Chronicles 14:1-8; 1 Kings 15:9-15; 1 Kings 14:19-20; 1 Kings 15:25-34; 2 Chronicles 14:9-15; 2 Chronicles 15:1-19
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 13:1-6; 2 Chronicles 12:1-12
Children: Elijah raises a dead boy
Families question: God can do things we think are impossible. What impossible situations are you facing where he may help?

Date: Saturday 10th June
Main Reading: 1 Kings 15:16-22; 2 Chronicles 16:1-10; 1 Kings 16:1-34; 1 Kings 15:23-24; 2 Chronicles 16:11 – 17:19; 1 Kings 17:1-7
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 15:9-15; 2 Chronicles 15:1-15
Children: A contest on Mount Carmel
Families question: God showed Elijah that he is the only true God. How does he show that to us today?

Readings for the week 11th – 17th June

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Book(s) of Kings
The Bible Project: Book(s) of Chronicles
Chart of the Kings of Israel and Judah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 11th June
Main Reading: 1 Kings 17:8 – 20:22
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 16:29-33; 1 Kings 17:1-7
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Monday 12th June
Main Reading: 1 Kings 20:23 – 22:9; 2 Chronicles 18:1-8
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-24
Children: Elijah and King Ahaziah
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 13th June
Main Reading: 1 Kings 22:10-28; 2 Chronicles 18:9-27; 1 Kings 22:29-35; 2 Chronicles 18:28-34; 1 Kings 22:36-40, 51-53; 2 Chronicles 19:1 – 20:30
Shorter Reading: 1 Kings 18:1-46
Children: Elijah and Elisha
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 14th June
Main Reading: 2 Kings 1:1-18; 2 Kings 3:1-27; 1 Kings 22:41-49; 2 Chronicles 20:31-37; 1 Kings 22:50; 2 Chronicles 21:1-4; 2 Kings 8:16-22; 2 Chronicles 21:5-7
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 1:1-18
Children: Elisha, a woman, and a dead boy
Families question:

Date: Thursday 15th June
Main Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-25; 2 Kings 4:1-44
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-18
Children: Jehoshaphat
Families question: What can we learn from Jehoshaphat about the best way to react when things are difficult?

Date: Friday 16th June
Main Reading: 2 Kings 5:1 – 8:15
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-19
Children: Naaman is healed
Families question: How do you think if felt for Naaman to be healed after so long? Sometimes there are things we want to change which we have struggled with for a long time. Even after so long God can still answer our prayers for help.

Date: Saturday 17th June
Main Reading: 2 Chronicles 21:8-20; 2 Kings 8:23-29; 2 Chronicles 22:1-7; 2 Kings 9:1 – 10:17; 2 Chronicles 22:8-9; 2 Kings 10:18-31
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 6:1-23
Children: Elisha and the Lord’s army
Families question:

Readings for the week 18th – 24th June

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Book(s) of Kings
The Bible Project: Book(s) of Chronicles
The Bible Project: Jonah
The Bible Project: Amos
The Bible Project: Isaiah
The Bible Project: Micah
Chart of the Kings of Israel and Judah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 18th June
Main Reading: 2 Kings 11:1-3; 2 Chronicles 22:10-12; 2 Kings 11:4-12; 2 Chronicles 23:1-11; 2 Kings 11:13-16; 2 Chronicles 23:12-25; 2 Kings 11:17-21; 2 Chronicles 23:16-21; 2 Kings 12:1-16; 2 Chronicles 24:1-22; 2 Kings 10:32-36
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 9:1-13; 2 Kings 9:30-37; 2 Kings 10:18-31
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Monday 19th June
Main Reading: 2 Kings 13:1-11; 2 Kings 12:17-21; 2 Chronicles 24:23-27; 2 Kings 13:14-25
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 12:1-16
Children: Joash rebuilds the temple
Families Question: Joash became King at age 7. Even at a young age it is not too early to make a choice to begin following God.

Date: Tuesday 20th June
Main Reading: 2 Kings 14:1-14; 2 Chronicles 25:1-24; 2 Kings 13:12-13; 2 Kings 14:15-16; 2 Kings 14:23-27; 2 Chronicles 25:25-28; 2 Kings 14:17-22; 2 Kings 15:1-15; 2 Chronicles 26:1-21; Jonah 1:1 – 4:11
Shorter Reading: 2 Chronicles 26:1-21
Children: King Uzziah
Families Question: Both Uzziah (today), and Joash (yesterday), started well but eventually walked away from God’s ways. We need to pray not just that we can start following God, but that we can keep on doing so.

Date: Wednesday 21st June
Main Reading: Amos 1:1 – 6:14
Shorter Reading: Jonah 1:1 – 2:1; Jonah 2:10 – 3:10
Children: Jonah
Families question: Jonah didn’t want to do things God’s way at the beginning, or at the end. But he learnt that God’s ways are always best. How might we be trying to avoid doing things God’s way, and what should we do instead?

Date: Thursday 22nd June
Main Reading: Amos 7:1 – 9:15; 2 Kings 14:28-29; 2 Kings 15:8-29; 2 Kings 15:6-7; 2 Chronicles 26:22-23; Isaiah 6:1-13
Shorter Reading: Amos 1:1-2; Amos 7:1-17
Children: Amos
Families question: Amos was an ordinary guy with an extraordinary message. What message might God have for us?

Date: Friday 23rd June
Main Reading: 2 Kings 15:32-38; 2 Chronicles 27:1-9; Micah 1:1-16; 2 Kings 16:1-9; 2 Chronicles 28:1-15; Isaiah 7:1-25
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 16:1-9
Children: The prophet Isaiah lived for a long time.
He foretold things that would happen, and lived long enough to see some of them become reality. This clip is a flashback from the future to how God called Isaiah to his ministry. (If that link fails for any reason, try this one for a slightly shorter version of the same clip.)
Families question:

Date: Saturday 24th June
Main Reading: Isaiah 8:1 – 11:16
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 6:1-10; Isaiah 9:1-7
Children: Isaiah’s prophecies
Families question:

Readings for the week 25th June – 1st July

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Book(s) of Kings
The Bible Project: Book(s) of Chronicles
The Bible Project: Isaiah
The Bible Project: Hosea
Chart of the Kings of Israel and Judah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 25th June
Main Reading: Isaiah 12:1-6; Isaiah 17:1-14; 2 Chronicles 28:16-21; 2 Kings 16:10-18; 2 Chronicles 28:22-25; 2 Kings 18:1-8; 2 Chronicles 29:1-2; 2 Kings 15:30-31; 2 Kings 17:1-4; Hosea 1:1 – 2:13
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 16:10-18
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Monday 26th June
Main Reading: Hosea 2:14 – 8:14
Shorter Reading: Hosea 4:1-19
Children: King Ahaz
Families Question: Ahaz pretended he was still offering God’s sacrifices, but he wasn’t doing it God’s way. Do we sometimes try to worship God our way rather than his?

Date: Tuesday 27th June
Main Reading: Hosea 9:1 – 14:9
Shorter Reading: Hosea 14:1-9
Children: Hosea
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 28th June
Main Reading: Isaiah 28:1-29; 2 Kings 17:5; 2 Kings 18:9-12; 2 Kings 17:6-41; Isaiah 1:1-20
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 17:5-23
Children: Isaiah warned the people. This video talks of some of his visions and what they meant. Watch up to 7:30 today.
Families question:

Date: Thursday 29th June
Main Reading: Isaiah 1:21 – 5:30
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7
Children: Watch this video from 7:30 to the end for more about Isaiah
Families question:

Date: Friday 30th June
Main Reading: 2 Kings 16:19-20; 2 Chronicles 28:26-27; Isaiah 13:1 – 16:14
Shorter Reading: 2 Chronicles 29:1-11
Children: Israel is captured
Families question:

Date: Saturday 1st July
Main Reading: 2 Chronicles 29:3 – 31:21
Shorter Reading: 2 Chronicles 29:18-36
Children: Hezekiah opens the temple
Families question:

Readings for the week 2nd – 8th July

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Book(s) of Kings
The Bible Project: Book(s) of Chronicles
The Bible Project: Isaiah
The Bible Project: Hosea
Chart of the Kings of Israel and Judah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 2nd July
Main Reading: Proverbs 25:1 – 29:7
Shorter Reading: 2 Chronicles 30:1 – 31:1
Children: Celebrations continue
Families Question:

Date: Monday 3rd July
Main Reading: Proverbs 30:1 – 31:31
Shorter Reading: Proverbs 31:10-31
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 4th July
Main Reading: Psalms 42-46
Shorter Reading: Psalm 42; Psalm 46
Children: Our readings are back in the Psalms again. We are going to look at some more verses from the Psalms over the next few nights. We begin with the very first verse.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 5th July
Main Reading: Psalms 47-49; Psalm 84; Psalm 85; Psalm 87
Shorter Reading: Psalm 84
Children: Psalm 46:1
Families question:

Date: Thursday 6th July
Main Reading: Psalm 1; Psalm 2; Psalm 10; Psalm 33; Psalm 71; Psalm 91
Shorter Reading: Psalm 1; Psalm 91
Children: God is our foundation
Families question: What should we do when we feel life is shaking us about?

Date: Friday 7th July
Main Reading: Psalms 92-97
Shorter Reading: Psalm 96
Children: God’s words is a light for our path
Families question: How can we get to know the Bible better so it can be a light for us?

Date: Saturday 8th July
Main Reading: Psalms 98-100; Psalm 102; Psalm 104
Shorter Reading: Psalm 98; Psalm 100
Children: Psalm 51
Families question: What things in our life do we need to be washed clean from? Ask Jesus now to wash you clean.

Readings for the week 9th – 15th July

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Book(s) of Psalms

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 9th July
Main Reading: Psalms 105-106
Shorter Reading: Psalm 111
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Monday 10th July
Main Reading: Psalm 107; Psalms 111-114
Shorter Reading: Psalm 113
Children: Isaiah continued to prophecy. Here is a reminder of how he fits into the story.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 11th July
Main Reading: Psalms 115-118
Shorter Reading: Psalm 118
Children: Micah was another prophet at that time. This video talks about the most famous words he spoke.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 12th July
Main Reading: Psalm 119
Shorter Reading: Psalm 121
Children: Isaiah and Hezekiah
Families question:

Date: Thursday 13th July
Main Reading: Psalm 120; Psalm 121; Psalm 123; Psalm 125; Psalm 126
Shorter Reading: Psalm 125-126
Children: Hezekiah falls ill
Families question:

Date: Friday 14th July
Main Reading: Psalms 128-130; Psalm 132; Psalm 134; Psalm 135
Shorter Reading: Psalm 130
Children: Hezekiah’s pride
Families question:

Date: Saturday 15th July
Main Reading: Psalm 136; Psalms 146-150
Shorter Reading: Psalm 136
Children: King Manasseh
Families question:

Readings for the week 16th – 22nd July

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Isaiah
The Bible Project: Micah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 16th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 18:1 – 23:18
Shorter Reading: Psalm 148; Psalm 150
Children: Manasseh the bad king
Families Question:

Date: Monday 17th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 24:1 – 27:13; Isaiah 29:1-24
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 25:1-12
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 18th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 30:1 – 33:24
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10
Children: Kings Amnon and Josiah
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 19th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 34:1 – 35:10; Micah 2:1 – 5:15
Shorter Reading: Micah 3:1 – 4:5
Children: King Josiah
Families question: Josiah had to remind the people how to worship God. How can we remind ourselves and each other?

Date: Thursday 20th July
Main Reading: Micah 6:1 – 7:20; 2 Chronicles 32:1-8; 2 Kings 18:13-18; Isaiah 36:1-3; 2 Kings 18:19-37; Isaiah 36:4-22
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 18:13-37
Children: God sent the prophet Jeremiah to warn his people of coming judgement. Watch this video to 6:30
Families question:

Date: Friday 21st July
Main Reading: 2 Kings 19:1-19; Isaiah 37:1-20; 2 Chronicles 32:9-19; 2 Kings 19:20-37; Isaiah 37:21-38; 2 Chronicles 32:20-23
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 19:1-37
Children: Watch 6:30 to 10:55
Families question: Jeremiah was the only prophet who actually spoke God’s words. It isn’t easy to be the only one speaking for God, but he gives us strength to do so.

Date: Saturday 22nd July
Main Reading: 2 Kings 20:1-11; Isaiah 38:1-8; 2 Chronicles 32:24-31; Isaiah 38:9-22; 2 Kings 20:12-19; Isaiah 39:1-8
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 20:1-19
Children: Watch 10:50 to 16:00
Families question:

Readings for the week 23rd – 29th July

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Isaiah
The Bible Project: Jeremiah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 23rd July
Main Reading: Isaiah 40:1 – 44:5
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 40:1-5; Isaiah 42:1-9
Children: Watch 16:00 to the end
Families Question:

Date: Monday 24th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 44:6 – 48:11
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 49:1-13
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 25th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 48:12 – 52:12
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12
Children: Nahum was another prophet.
Families Question: What is worrying you at the moment. Pray that God will help you to trust him.

Date: Wednesday 26th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 52:13 – 57:21
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 55:1-13
Children: Habakkuk
Families question: What questions would you want to ask God?

Date: Thursday 27th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 58:1 – 63:14
Shorter Reading: Isaiah 61:1-11
Children: Here is a simple summary of a message of hope brought by the prophet Zephaniah.
Families question:

Date: Friday 28th July
Main Reading: Isaiah 63:15 – 66:24; 2 Kings 20:20-21; 2 Chronicles 32:32-33
Shorter Reading: 2 Chronicles 33:1-19
Children: King Jehoiakim burns Jeremiah’s scroll
Families question: Jehoiakim didn’t want to listen to the words from God. Ask God to help you listen even when the message is hard to hear.

Date: Saturday 29th July
Main Reading: 2 Kings 21:1-9; 2 Chronicles 33:1-9; 2 Kings 21:10-17; 2 Chronicles 33:10-19; 2 Kings 21:18; 2 Chronicles 33:20; 2 Kings 21:19-26; 2 Chronicles 33:21-25; 2 Kings 22:1-2; 2 Chronicles 34:1-7; Jeremiah 1:1 – 2:22
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 1:1-19
Children: One of the people taken from Jerusalem to Babylon was Daniel. This video tells the start of his story.
Families question: Daniel was determined he was going to follow God rather than other people. In what way might God be asking you to do the same?

Readings for the week 30th July – 5th August

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Jeremiah
The Bible Project: Habakkuk
The Bible Project: Zephaniah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 30th July
Main Reading: Jeremiah 2:23 – 5:19
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 3:6-18
Children: Daniel and the King’s dream
Families Question:

Date: Monday 31st July
Main Reading: Jeremiah 5:20 – 6:30; 2 Kings 22:3-20; 2 Chronicles 34:8-28
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 22:3-20
Children: Daniel and the fiery furnace
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 1st August
Main Reading: 2 Kings 23:1-20; 2 Chronicles 34:29-33; 2 Kings 23:21-28; 2 Chronicles 35:1-19; Nahum 1:1 – 3:19
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 23:1-28
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 2nd August
Main Reading: Habakkuk 1:1 – 3:19; Zephaniah 1:1 – 2:7
Shorter Reading: 2 Chronicles 35:20 – 36:1
Children: King Zedekiah
Families question:

Date: Thursday 3rd August
Main Reading: Zephaniah 2:8 – 3:20; 2 Chronicles 35:20 – 36:1; 2 Kings 23:29-30; Jeremiah 47:1 – 48:47
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 26:1-24
Children: Ezekiel was a prophet to the people in exile in Babylon. This video gives an overview of his mission.
Families question:

Date: Friday 4th August
Main Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:2-4; 2 Kings 23:31-37; 2 Chronicles 36:5; Jeremiah 22:1-23; Jeremiah 26:1-24; 2 Kings 24:1-4; Jeremiah 25:1-14
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 24:1-4; Jeremiah 25:1-14
Children: Ezekiel’s calling
Families question:

Date: Saturday 5th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 25:15-38; Jeremiah 36:1-32; Jeremiah 45:1 – 46:28
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 36:1-32
Children: The valley of bones. This is Ezekiel’s most famous vision.
Families question: How do you think Ezekiel felt when God asked him such a strange question? Does God ever seem to be asking you to do strange things?

Readings for the week 6th – 12th August

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Jeremiah
The Bible Project: Daniel

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 6th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 19:1 – 20:18; Daniel 1:1-21
Shorter Reading: Daniel 1:1-21
Children: How much of yesterday’s story can you remember? This funny song might help you.
Families Question:

Date: Monday 7th August
Main Reading: Daniel 2:1 – 3:30; Jeremiah 7:1 – 8:3
Shorter Reading: Daniel 2:1-23
Children: This video describes another of Ezekiel’s visions.
Families Question: How does this vision of Ezekiel make you feel?

Date: Tuesday 8th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 8:4 – 11:23
Shorter Reading: Daniel 3:1-30
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 9th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 12:1 – 15:21
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 13:1-14
Children: Lamentations is a very negative book. But this verse stands out in the middle of it all.
Families question:

Date: Thursday 10th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 16:1 – 18:23; Jeremiah 35:1-19
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 18:1-12
Children: Obadiah
Families question:

Date: Friday 11th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 49:1-33; 2 Kings 24:5-7; 2 Chronicles 36:6-8; 2 Kings 24:8-9; 2 Chronicles 36:9; Jeremiah 22:24 – 23:32
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-8
Children: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Families question: Are there things we claim as our own achievements which are actually from God?

Date: Saturday 12th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 23:33 – 24:10; Jeremiah 29:1 – 31:14
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 29:1-23
Children: Daniel dreams about four creatures
Families question:

Readings for the week 13th – 19th August

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Jeremiah
The Bible Project: Ezekiel

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 13th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 31:15-40; Jeremiah 49:34 – 51:14
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 31:1-24
Children: Writing on the wall
Families Question:

Date: Monday 14th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 51:15-58; 2 Chronicles 36:10; 2 Kings 24:10-17; 1 Chronicles 3:10-16; 2 Chronicles 36:11-14; Jeremiah 52:1-3; 2 Kings 24:18-20; Jeremiah 37:1-10
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 24:10-20a
Children: Daniel in the lions’ den
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 15th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 37:11 – 38:28; Ezekiel 1:1 – 3:15
Shorter Reading:Jeremiah 37:11 – 38:13
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 16th August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 3:16 – 4:17; Jeremiah 27:1 – 28:17; Jeremiah 51:59-64
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 2:1 – 3:15
Children: An overview of the return from exile which we will be looking at over the next few nights
Families question:

Date: Thursday 17th August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 5:1 – 9:11
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 27:1-22
Children: Cyrus tells the people to go home
Families question:

Date: Friday 18th August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 10:1 – 13:23
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 10:1-22; Ezekiel 11:14-25
Children: Beginning to rebuild the temple
Families question:

Date: Saturday 19th August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 14:1 – 16:63
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 12:1-20
Children: The temple is rebuilt
Families question:

Readings for the week 20th – 26th August

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Jeremiah
The Bible Project: Ezekiel
The Bible Project: Lamentations

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 20th August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 17:1 – 19:14
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 17:1-24
Children: Haggai
Families Question:

Date: Monday 21st August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 20:1 – 22:16
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 20:1-26
Children: Zechariah
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 22nd August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 22:17 – 23:49; 2 Kings 24:20 – 25:2; Jeremiah 52:3-5; Jeremiah 39:1; Ezekiel 24:1-14
Shorter Reading: 2 Kings 24:20 – 25:2; Jeremiah 34:1-7
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 23rd August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 24:15 – 25:17; Jeremiah 34:1-22; Jeremiah 21:1-14; Ezekiel 29:1-16; Ezekiel 30:20 – 31:18
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 21:1-14
Children: Esther
Families question: Esther was very brave. Are there times you have to be brave to say things to people?

Date: Thursday 24th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 32:1 – 33:26; Ezekiel 26:1-14
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 32:1-44
Children: Another version of the story of Esther.
Families question:

Date: Friday 25th August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 26:15 – 28:26; 2 Kings 25:3-7; Jeremiah 52:6-11; Jeremiah 39:2-10
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 52:1-11
Children: Ezra returns to Jerusalem
Families question:

Date: Saturday 26th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 39:11-18; Jeremiah 40:1-6; 2 Kings 25:8-21; Jeremiah 52:12-27; 2 Chronicles 36:15-21; Lamentations 1:1-22
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 52:12-27
Children: Ezra reads the Law
Families question:

Readings for the week 27th August – 2nd September

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Jeremiah
The Bible Project: Ezekiel
The Bible Project: Lamentations
The Bible Project: Obadiah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 27th August
Main Reading: Lamentations 2:1 – 4:22
Shorter Reading: Lamentations 3:19-57
Children: Nehemiah
Families Question: Nehemiah encouraged the people to do something hard, even when others laughed at them. Do you sometimes feel you should do difficult things, and how can God help?

Date: Monday 28th August
Main Reading: Lamentations 5:1-22; Obadiah 1:1-21; 2 Kings 25:22-26; Jeremiah 40:7 – 41:18
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 41:1-18
Children: Nehemiah again
Families Question: This version of the story really emphasises how hard people tried to stop Nehemiah. What should we do when people try to stop us doing what is right?

Date: Tuesday 29th August
Main Reading: Jeremiah 42:1 – 44:30; Ezekiel 33:21-33
Shorter Reading: Jeremiah 42:1-22
Children: After the wall was finished
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 30th August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 34:1 – 36:38
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 34:1-16
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families question:

Date: Thursday 31st August
Main Reading: Ezekiel 37:1 – 39:29; Ezekiel 32:1-16
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-14
Children: Superbook: Nehemiah Watch from the beginning to 8:30.
Families question:

Date: Friday 1st September
Main Reading: Ezekiel 32:17 – 33:20; Jeremiah 52:28-30; Psalm 137:1-9; 1 Chronicles 4:24-5:17
Shorter Reading: Psalm 137:1-9
Children: Superbook: Nehemiah Watch from 8:30 to 16:05.
Families question:

Date: Saturday 2nd September
Main Reading: 1 Chronicles 5:18-26; 1 Chronicles 6:3; 1 Chronicles 6:49; 1 Chronicles 6:4-15; 1 Chronicles 7:1 – 8:28
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 33:1-20
Children: Superbook: Nehemiah Watch from 16:05 to the end.
Families question:

Readings for the week 3rd – 9th September

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Jeremiah
The Bible Project: Ezekiel
The Bible Project: Daniel
The Bible Project: Ezra & Nehemiah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 3rd September
Main Reading: 1 Chronicles 8:29 – 9:1; Daniel 4:1-37; Ezekiel 40:1-37
Shorter Reading: Daniel 4:1-37
Children: Malachi
Families Question: Malachi encouraged the people to give God their best? What do we need to give to God?

Date: Monday 4th September
Main Reading: Ezekiel 40:38 – 43:27
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 43:1-12
Children: We have finished the Old Testament. This video recaps the message of the prophets we have been reading, and introduces where we are going next.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 5th September
Main Reading: Ezekiel 44:1 – 46:24
Shorter Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-12
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 6th September
Main Reading: Ezekiel 47:1 – 48:35; Ezekiel 29:17 – 30:19; 2 Kings 25:27-30; Jeremiah 52:31-34
Shorter Reading: Daniel 7:1-14
Children: The birth of John the Baptist
Families question: Zechariah couldn’t believe they would have a child, but God kept his promise. What promises of God do you find hard to believe?

Date: Thursday 7th September
Main Reading: Daniel 7:1 – 8:27; Daniel 5:1-31
Shorter Reading: Daniel 5:1-31
Children: An angel appears to Mary and Joseph
Families question:

Date: Friday 8th September
Main Reading: Daniel 6:1-28; Daniel 9:1-27; 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1-11; 1 Chronicles 3:17-19
Shorter Reading: Daniel 6:1-28
Children: Jesus is born
Families question: How do you think the shepherds felt seeing angels and hearing the news that the Saviour was here?

Date: Saturday 9th September
Main Reading: Ezra 2:1 – 4:5; 1 Chronicles 3:19-24
Shorter Reading: Ezra 1:1-11; Ezra 3:1-13
Children: Wise Men
Families question:

Readings for the week 10th – 16th September

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: Daniel
The Bible Project: Ezra & Nehemiah
The Bible Project: Haggai
The Bible Project: Zechariah

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 10th September
Main Reading: Daniel 10:1 – 12:13; Ezra 4:24 – 5:1; Haggai 1:1-15a
Shorter Reading: Haggai 1:1-15a
Children: Jesus in the temple
Families Question:

Date: Monday 11th September
Main Reading: Haggai 1:15b – 2:9; Zechariah 1:1-6; Haggai 2:10-19; Ezra 5:2; Haggai 2:20-23; Zechariah 1:7 – 5:11
Shorter Reading: Haggai 1:15b – 2:9
Children: This is a catch up night. Take the opportunity to watch a video you have missed or watch a favourite again.
Families Question:

Date: Tuesday 12th September
Main Reading: Zechariah 6:1-15; Ezra 5:3 – 6:14a; Zechariah 7:1 – 8:23
Shorter Reading: Ezra 5:3 – 6:14a
Children: John the Baptist and Jesus
Families Question:

Date: Wednesday 13th September
Main Reading: Zechariah 9:1 – 14:21
Shorter Reading: Esther 1:1-12; Esther 2:1-20
Children: Jesus in the wilderness
Families question: How are we tempted to do wrong thing? How might we learn from Jesus how to resist?

Date: Thursday 14th September
Main Reading: Ezra 6:14b-22; Ezra 4:6; Esther 1:1 – 4:17
Shorter Reading: Esther 3:1 – 4:17
Children: Jesus calls disciples
Families question: Many of those Jesus called followed him straight away. What sometimes makes us hesistate to follow him?

Date: Friday 15th September
Main Reading: Esther 5:1 – 10:3
Shorter Reading: Esther 5:1-8; Esther 7:1-10
Children: Water becomes wine
Families question:

Date: Saturday 16th September
Main Reading: Ezra 4:7-23; Ezra 7:1 – 8:36
Shorter Reading: Ezra 7:1-10, 27-28
Children: Nicodemus
Families question: Nicodemus thought he knew everything but he actually had to learn a lot. Are we ready to learn from Jesus?

Readings for the week 17th – 23rd September

General resources for this week

The Bible Project: Ezra & Nehemiah

The Bible Project: Joel

The Bible Project: Malachi

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday 17th September
Main Reading: Ezra 9:1-10:44; Nehemiah 1:1-2-2:
Shorter Reading: Ezra 10:1-17
Families question:

Date: Monday 18th September
Main Reading: Nehemiah 3:1-5:13; Nehemiah 6:1-7:3
Shorter Reading: Nehemiah 6:1-14
Families question:

Date: Tuesday 19th September
Main Reading: Nehemiah 7:4-8:12
Shorter Reading: Nehemiah 7:73b-8:12
Families question:

Date: Wednesday 20th September
Main Reading: Nehemiah 8:13-10:39
Shorter Reading: Nehemiah 8:13-18; Nehemiah 9:1-3; Nehemiah 10:28-29
Families question:

Date: Thursday 21st September
Main Reading: Nehemiah 11:1-12:26; 1 Chronicles 9:1-34
Shorter Reading: Nehemiah 11:1-2; 1 Chronicles 9:1b-3; 13, 26-27, 33-34
Families question:

Date: Friday 22nd September
Main Reading: Nehemiah 12:27-13:6; Nehemiah 5:14-19; Nehemiah 13:7-31; Malachi 1:1-2:9
Shorter Reading: Nehemiah 12:27-31a, 43; Nehemiah 13:4-6,7-11, 23-27, 30; Malachi 1:6-9

Families question:

Date: Saturday 23rd September
Main Reading: Malachi 2:10-4:6; Joel 1:1-3:21
Shorter Reading: Malachi 3: 6-8, 16-18; Malachi 4:1-6; Joel 2:1-2; 12-13; 28-32
Families question:

Readings for the week 24th September – 30th September

General resources for this week
The Bible Project: The Birth of Jesus

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday

Main Reading:
Mark 1:1, Luke 1:1-4, John 1:1-18, Matthew 1: 1-17, Luke 3: 23-38, Luke 1:5-38
Shorter Reading:
John 1:1-18; Luke 1:5-38

Date: Monday
Main Reading:
Luke 1: 39-80, Matthew 1: 18-25, Luke 2: 1-40
Shorter Reading:
Luke 1:57-66; Luke 2:1-20

Date: Tuesday
Main Reading:
Matthew 2: 1-23, Luke 2: 41-52, Mark 1:2-8, Matthew 3: 1-12, Luke 3: 1-18, Mark 1: 9-11, Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3: 21-22
Shorter Reading:
Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:41-52; Mark 1:1b-11

Date: Wednesday
Main Reading:
Mark 1: 12-13, Matthew 4: 1-11, Luke 4: 1-15, John 1: 19-25
Shorter Reading:
Mark 1:12-13; John1:29-42; John 2:1-25

Date: Thursday
Main Reading:
John 3: 1-14:45, Luke 3: 19-20
Shorter Reading:
John 3:1-17; John 4:1-30

Date: Friday
Main Reading:
Mark 1: 14-15, Matthew 4:12-17, Luke 3:23, John 4:46-54, Luke 3:23, John 4:46-54, Luke 4:16-30, Mark 1:16-20, Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:21-28, Luke 4:31-37, Mark 1:29-34, Matthew 8: 14-17, Luke 4: 38-41, Mark 1:35-29, Luke 4:42-44, Matthew 4:23-25
Shorter Reading:
Mark 1:14-15; John 4:46-54; Luke 4:16-22; Matthew

Date: Saturday
Main Reading:
Luke 5:1-11, Mark 1:40-45, Matthew 8:1-4, Luke 5:12-16, Mark 2: 1-12, Matthew 9:1-8, Luke 5:17-26, Mark 2: 13-17, Matthew 9:9-13, Luke 5: 27-32, Mark 2:18-22, Matthew 9:14-17, Luke 5: 33-39
Shorter Reading:
Luke 5:1-11; Matthew 8:1-4; Matthew 9:1-8; Mark

The Christmas Story
Jesus starts his public ministry and calls Peter

Families Questions:
How do you think the shepherds felt seeing angels and hearing the news that the Saviour was here?
Many of those Jesus called followed him straight away. What sometimes makes us hesitate to follow him?
Nicodemus thought he knew everything but he actually had to learn a lot. Are we ready to learn from Jesus?

Readings for the week 1st – 7th October

General resources for this week

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday
Main Reading: John 5:1-47; Mark 2:23-28; Matthew 12:1-8; LUKE 6:1-5; Mark 3:1-6, Matthew 12:9-14; LUKE 6:6-11; Matthew 12:15-21

Shorter Reading:
John 5: 16-27

Date: Monday
Main Reading: Mark 3:7-19, Luke 6:12-16, Matthew 5:1-12, Luke 6:17-26, Matthew 5:13-48, Luke 6:27-36, Matthew 6:1-4

Shorter Reading:
Matthew 5: 1-12

Date: Tuesday
Main Reading: Matthew 6:5-7:6, Luke 6:37-42, Matthew 7:7-20, Luke 6:43-45, Matthew 7:21-29, Luke 6:46-49

Shorter Reading:
Matthew 6: 5-18

Date: Wednesday
Main Reading: Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-17, Matthew 11:1-19, Luke 7:18-35, Matthew 11:20-30, Luke 7:36-50

Shorter Reading:
Luke 7: 36-50

Date: Thursday
Main Reading: Luke 8:1-3, Mark 3:20-30, Matthew 12:22-45, Mark 3:31-35, Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21, Mark 4:1-9, Matthew 13:1-9, Luke 8:4-8, Mark 4:10-20

Shorter Reading:
Mark 4: 1-20

Date: Friday
Main Reading: Matthew 13:10-23, Luke 8:9-18, Mark 4:21-29, Matthew 13:24-30, Mark 4:30-34, Matthew 13:31-52, Mark 4:35-41, Matthew 8:23-27, Luke 8:22-25

Shorter Reading:
Mark 4: 35-41

Date: Saturday
Main Reading: Mark 5:1-20, Matthew 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-39, Mark 5:21-43, Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 8:40-56

Shorter Reading: Mark 5: 21-43

Children: Jesus Calls the Disciples

The Parable of the Two Builders

Jesus Calms the Storm

Families Question:

Why did Jesus choose disciples rather than working on his own?
How can we make sure our lives are built on Jesus, the Rock?
Jesus calmed the storm and took care of his disciples; what are the hard things in our life that we need to ask Jesus to help us with?

Readings for the week 8th – 14th October

General resources for this week

Readings for the week 15th – 21st October

General resources for this week

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday
Main Reading:
JOHN 8:21-59, LUKE 10:1-11:13
Shorter Reading:
John 8:31-37; Luke 10:1-7; Luke 10:25-37; Luke 11:1-4

Date: Monday
Main Reading:
LUKE 11:14-12:34
Shorter Reading:
Luke 11:33-41; Luke 12:13-34

Date: Tuesday
Main Reading:
LUKE 12:35-13:21, JOHN 9:1-41
Shorter Reading:
Luke 12:35-38; Luke 13:10-21; John 9:1-11

Date: Wednesday
Main Reading:
JOHN 10:1-42, LUKE 13:22-14:24
Shorter Reading:
John 10:1-30; Luke 14:7-24

Date: Thursday
Main Reading:
LUKE 14:25-17:10, JOHN 11:1-37
Shorter Reading:
Luke 14:25-27; Luke 15:1-7; Luke 15:11-32; John 11:1-37

Date: Friday
Main Reading:
JOHN 11:38-57, LUKE 17:11-18:8
Shorter Reading:
John 11:38-48; Luke 17:20-25; Luke 18:1-8

Date: Saturday
Main Reading:
LUKE 18:9-14, MARK 10:1-12, MATTHEW 19:1-12, MARK 10:13-16, MATTHEW 19:13-15, LUKE 18:15-17, MARK 10:17-31 MATTHEW 19:16-30, LUKE 18:18-30
Shorter Reading:
Luke 18:9-14; Mark 10:13-16; Matthew 19:16-26

Jesus teaches about prayer
One Lost Sheep
The Rich Young Man

Families Question:

Why do we sometimes find it hard to talk to God in prayer?
In what ways is Jesus like a shepherd?
Why might money and possessions get in the way of following God?

Readings for the week 22nd – 28th October

General resources for this week

Daily Reading Plan
Date: Sunday
Main Reading:
MATTHEW 20:1-16, MARK 10:32-34, MATTHEW 20:17-19, LUKE 18:31-34, MARK 10:35-45, MATTHEW 20:20-34, MARK 10:46-52, LUKE 18:35-19:27
Shorter Reading:
Matthew 20.17-28; Mark 10. 46-52

Date: Monday
Main Reading:
MARK 14:3-9, MATTHEW 26:6-13, JOHN 12:1-11, MARK 11:1-11, MATTHEW 21:1-11, LUKE 19:28-40, JOHN 12:12-19, LUKE 19:41-44, JOHN 12:20-36
Shorter Reading:
Mark 14.3-9; Mark 11.1-11; Luke 19: 41-44

Date: Tuesday
Main Reading:
JOHN 12:37-50, MARK 11:12-14, MATTHEW 21:18-22, MARK 11:15-19, MATTHEW 21:12-17, LUKE 19:45-48, MARK 11:20-33, MATTHEW 21:23-27, LUKE 20:1-8
Shorter Reading:
John 12.37-50

Date: Wednesday
Main Reading:
MATTHEW 21:28-32, MARK 12:1-12, MATTHEW 21:33-46, LUKE 20:9-19, MATTHEW 22:1-14, MARK 12:13-17, MATTHEW 22:15-22. LUKE 20:20-26, MARK 12:18-27, MATTHEW 22:23-33, LUKE 20:27-40
Shorter Reading:
Matthew 21.28-32; Mark 12.13-17; Mark 12.18-27

Date: Thursday
Main Reading:
MARK 12:28-34, MATTHEW 22:34-40, MARK 12:35-37, MATTHEW 22:41-46, LUKE 20:41-44, MARK 12:38-40, MATTHEW 23:1-12, LUKE 20:45-47, MATTHEW 23:13-39, MARK 12:41-44, LUKE 21:1-4,
Shorter Reading:
Mark 12: 28-24; Mark 12.38-40; Matthew 23.37-39; Luke 21.1-4

Date: Friday
Main Reading:
MARK 13:1-23, MATTHEW 24:1-25, LUKE 21:5-24, MARK 13:24-31, MATTHEW 24:26-35, LUKE 21:25-33
Shorter Reading:
Mark 13.1-23

Date: Saturday
Main Reading:
MARK 13:32-37, MATTHEW 24:36-51, LUKE 21:34-38, MATTHEW 25:1-46
Shorter Reading:
Mark 12:32-27; Matthew 25.31-46

Children: Zacchaeus
The triumphal entry into Jerusalem
The Greatest Commandment
The parable of the talents

Families Question:
Most people hated Zacchaeus because he was a tax collector. Why did Jesus treat him differently?
Imagine you were in the crowd when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, with everyone shouting “Hosanna!” How would you have felt?
What did Jesus say were the most important commandments? Why did He choose these ones?
Watch the video about the parable of the talents. God has give us time, energy, skills, and many good things. How can we use these things to honour God?

Readings for the week 29th Oct – 4th Nov

General resources for this week

Main Reading Plan
Sun Oct 29 MARK 14:1-2, MATTHEW 26:1-5, LUKE 22:1-2, MARK 14:10-11, MATTHEW 26:14-16, LUKE 22:3-6, MARK 14:12-16, MATTHEW 26:17-19, LUKE 22:7-13, JOHN 13:1-20, MARK 14:17-26, MATTHEW 26:20-30, LUKE 22:14-30, JOHN 13:18-30

Mon Oct 30 JOHN 13:31-38, MARK 14:27-31, MATTHEW 26:31-35, LUKE 22:31-38, JOHN 14:1-15:17

Tues Oct 31 JOHN 15:18-17:26

Wed Nov 01 JOHN 18:1-2, MARK 14:32-42, MATTHEW 26:36-46, LUKE 22:39-46, MARK 14:43-52, MATTHEW 26:47-56, LUKE 22:47-53, JOHN 18:3-24

Thurs Nov 02 MARK 14:53-65, MATTHEW 26:57-68, MARK 14:66-72, MATTHEW 26:69-75, LUKE 22:54-65, JOHN 18:25-27, MARK 15:1, MATTHEW 27:1-2, LUKE 22:66-71, MATTHEW 27:3-10

Fri Nov 03 MARK 15:2-5, MATTHEW 27:11-14, LUKE 23:1-12, JOHN 18:28-40, MARK 15:6-15, MATTHEW 27:15-26, LUKE 23:13-25, JOHN 19:1-16, MARK 15:16-20, MATTHEW 27:27-31

Sat Nov 04 MARK 15:21-24, MATTHEW 27:32-34, LUKE 23:26-31, JOHN 19:17, MARK 15:25-32, MATTHEW 27:35-44, LUKE 23:32-43, JOHN 19:18-27, MARK 15:33-41, MATTHEW 27:45-56, LUKE 23:44-49, JOHN 19:28-37

Shorter Reading Plan
Sun 29th Oct Mark 14:10-16; John 13:1-17; Matthew 26:20-30

Mon 30th Oct Mark 14: 27-31; John 14:1-21; John 15: 1-4

Tues 31st Oct John 17: 1-26

Wed 1st Nov Luke 22: 39-53; John 18: 15-18

Thurs 2nd Nov Mark 14: 53-72; Matthew 27: 1-5

Fri 3rd Nov Matthew 27: 11-31

Sat 4th Nov Mark 15: 21-41

The Last Supper
Peter Denies Jesus
Jesus Died on the Cross

Families Question:

What are we remembering when we celebrate communion together, with bread and wine?
Peter was afraid, and said he didn’t know Jesus. If people asked us if we follow Jesus, what would we say?
Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?
Readings for the week 12th – 18th November

General resources for this week

Main Reading Plan
Sunday Nov 12 ACTS 12:6-14:20
Monday Nov 13 ACTS 14:21-28; GALATIANS 1:1-3:23
Tuesday Nov 14 GALATIONS 3:24-6:18; ACTS 15:1-21
Wednesday Nov 15 ACTS 15:22-17:15
Thurs Nov 16 ACTS 17:16-18:3; 1 THESSALONIANS 1:1-5:11
Friday Nov 17 1 THESSALONIANS 5:12-28; 2 THESSALONIANS 1:1-3:18 ACTS 18:4-23
Saturday Nov 18 ACTS 18:24-19:20; 1 CORINTHIANS 1:1-3:23

Shorter Reading Plan
Sunday 12th: Acts 12.6-19; 14. 1-7
Monday 13th: Galatians 3.1-16
Tuesday 14th : Galatians 3.24-28; 5.16-26
Wednesday 15th: Acts 16.11-36
Thursday 16th: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-18
Friday 17th: 1 Thessalonians 5.12-22; 2 Thessalonians 2.1-12
Saturday 18th: 1 Corinthians 1.18-31

Peter’s escape from prison

Paul’s missionary journeys

God’s Story: Galatians:

The Council at Jerusalem

Paul in Thessalonica and his letters to the Thessalonians

Families Question:
Why did Paul and his friends go on long journeys around the Mediterranean? What was the message they shared?
Galatians 5:22-23 lists the Fruit of the Spirit, the characteristics that the Holy Spirit produces in the lives of Jesus’s followers. Do you find some of these harder than others? Ask God to send His Spirit to work in your life, to make you more like Jesus.
In the early church there were many disagreements between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians (those who didn’t come from a Jewish background). But the church is for ALL people. Do we sometimes find it hard to get along with other people? How can we show Jesus’s love for everyone?

Readings for the week 19th – 25th Nov

General resources for this week
1 Corinthians
Romans 1-4
Romans 5 – 16

Main Reading Plan
Sunday Nov 19 1 CORINTHIANS 4:1-7:40
Monday Nov 20 1 CORINTHIANS 8:1-11:1
Tuesday Nov 21 1 CORINTHIANS 11:2-13:13
Wednesday Nov 22 1 CORINTHIANS 14:1-15:58
Thurs Nov 23 1 CORINTHIANS 16:1-24 ACTS 19:21-20:6 ROMANS 1:1-32
Friday Nov 24 ROMANS 2:1-4:25
Saturday Nov 25 ROMANS 5:1-8:17

Shorter Reading Plan
Sunday 19th Nov: 1 Corinthians 1:10-12; 3:4-9, 21-23; 6:9-20
Monday 20th Nov: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; 10:31-11:1
Tuesday 21st Nov: 1 Corinthians 12:4-21; 13:1-13
Wednesday 22nd Nov: 1 Corinthians 14:26, 39-40; 15:3-8, 12-20, 51-58
Thursday 23rd Nov: Acts 19:21-29, 35-41; 20:1-6; Romans 1:1-5, 16-23
Friday 24th Nov: Romans 2:1-11; 3:9-12, 21-31
Saturday 25th Nov: Romans 5:1-11; 6:1-14; 8:9-16

God’s Story: 1 Corinthians:

The Church: One body with many parts:

1 Corinthians 13: Love Is:

The Amphitheatre: Paul sparks a riot:

Families Questions:
In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul talks about the Church being like a body, with each member having their own part to play. What gifts has God given you? If you’re not sure, why not discuss it with someone you are close to. How can you use your gifts to serve God and the church?
1 Corinthians 13 has a famous passage about love. Do we always find it easy to love one another? What could you do this week to share God’s love with someone in a really practical way?

Readings for the week 26th November – 2nd December

Main Reading Plan
Sun Nov 26 ROMANS 8:18-10:21
Mon Nov 27 ROMANS 11:1-14:23
Tues Nov 28 ROMANS 15:1-16:27
Wed Nov 29 2 CORINTHIANS2:5-6:13
Thurs Nov 30 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-10:18
Fri Dec 01 2 CORINTHIANS 11:1-13:13 ACTS 20:7-12
Sat Dec 02 ACTS 20:13-21:36

Shorter Reading Plan
Sun 26th November: Romans 8.31-39; 10:1-15
Mon 27th November Romans 11.25-32; 12.1-13
Tues 28th November Romans 15.5-19
Wed 29th November 2 Corinthians 3.7-18; 4.5-10
Thurs 30th November: 2 Corinthians 6.14-7.1; 8.1-9
Fri 1st December: 2 Corinthians 13.1-14
Sat 2nd December: Acts 20.16-38

Children: The Letter to the Romans (chapters 1-6):

Romans chapters 7-16:

2 Corinthians 5:17 – The New is Here:

Families Question:
Paul wrote letters to Christians in different churches, to teach and encourage them. Why don’t you write a letter to someone you know, to encourage them and to let them know you are thinking about them and praying for them?
The letter to the Romans is a good summary of what Christians believe about Jesus. If someone asked you what you believe, what would you tell them?
2 Corinthians 5:17 says that “if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” In what ways are our lives different when we follow Jesus?

Readings for the week 3rd – 9th December

General resources for this week

Main Reading Plan
Sunday Dec 03 ACTS 21:37-23:35
Monday Dec 04 ACTS 24:1-26:32
Tuesday Dec 05 ACTS 27:1-44
Wednesday Dec 06 ACTS 28:1-31, EPHESIANS 1:1-2:22
Thursday Dec 07 EPHESIANS 3:1-5:14
Friday Dec 08 EPHESIANS 5:15-6:23, COLOSSIANS 1:1-23
Saturday Dec 09 COLOSSIANS 1:24-4:18

Shorter Reading Plan
Sunday 3rd Dec: Acts 21:15, 26-28, 33-36; 22:24-30; 23:6-12; 23:23-35
Monday 4th Dec: Acts 24:1, 10-27; 25:1-12, 23-25
Tuesday 5th Dec: Acts 27:1, 13-26, 39-44
Wednesday 6th Dec: Acts 28:1-2, 11-16, 30; Ephesians 1:1-2, 15-23
Thursday 7th Dec: Ephesians 4:17-32
Friday 8th Dec: Ephesians 6:10-20; Colossians 1:1-2, 15-23
Saturday 9th Dec: Colossians 3:1-17

Children: Title

Families Question:
Paul kept getting into trouble with the Jewish leaders and the Roman authorities because he was talking about Jesus. Why did they want to stop him? Did it work? Would you be as brave as Paul, and carry on talking about Jesus even if you were threatened with prison?
In Ephesians, Paul writes about the Armour of God. What are all the different pieces of this armour? When might you need to “put on” the armour?